Attic (Kendall Jenner) Part 3

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Kendall's POV

We're now seated inside a not so crowded Italian restaurant. Y/N was the one talking to the waiter about our orders in Italian and I wouldn't lie, she's she's really attractive while she talks.

I wonder if she knew how to speak French. That would be really hot.

I was brought back from my daydreaming when Y/N waved her hand in front of me, along with that killer smile of hers.

"You okay, Kendall?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Y-Yes, I'm f-fine." I stuttered and blushed causing me to looked down onto the table.

"You sure? Coz right now your face is red." she said, a small smirk gracing her lips.

Oh cupcake!

I gulped down my own saliva before looking at her, trying to compose and control the blushing on my cheeks.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said, looking straight to her eyes and smiled.

"Okay. Anyway, how have you been Kendall? It's been...years since I've last seen and talked to you."

Y/N said softly at first but then her tone held contempt at her last sentence. I bit my lower lip feeling guilty. She's someone important to me and yet I selfishly decided not to keep in touch. I looked down again as I utter my response.

"I'm sorry." I said softly, ignoring her question of how have I been. Besides, I'm sure she knew what's been happening to me. I think?

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I've been very very selfish towards you."

I looked at her again, her face stoic. She then crossed her arms in front of her chest and lean back to rest her back against the chair. We held eye contact for I don't know how long, but maybe a few minutes or even seconds. I really don't know, it just felt long. She sighed then gave me her infamous killer smile. I instantly smiled back even though I don't know why she's smiling.

"I agree."


I questioned, looking at her confused as to what she agreed on.

"I agree that you're selfish. Very, very selfish."

Oh, that's what she meant. You're slow, Kenny.

I just nodded my head and she chuckled. Then the waiter came back with out food. Y/N thanked him and smiled before leaving.

As we eat our food, Y/N I engaged in some casual talks. I got to know what happened to her 15 years ago and the years coming after that until now. I also got to tell her what I've been doing this past few years and she told me she already known that I'm a model. But, what bothers me is that she had yet to tell me if she already forgiven me.

We both just finished our food and Y/N paid it. Although I've tried to fight her for it, but she insisted. We walked out of the restaurant  and I turned my head to looked up at her. I'm tall but she's somehow a little bit taller than me.

"Uhm Y/N?"

She looked at me and offer her arm again. I looped mine to hers. She hummed as a response before leading me to the direction of the hotel I'm staying at.

I guess she's not gonna take me with her. Shame.

I quickly shook off the thought and held her arm a bit tightly.

"Have you...forgiven me?" I asked quietly that only she heard it.

She looked at me and we stopped walking.

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