Just Pretend

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~.: "Wildest Dreams" :.~
~.: Taylor Swift :.~

~.: Delilah's POV :.~

Bright rays of sunlight filtered in through the bus window as I rested my chin against my open palm and leaning against the window while keeping my gaze on my phone screen. I let out a deep long sigh of exasperation as Libby pulled her earbuds out of her ears and peered over my shoulder to see what I was doing and she scrunched up her nose in distaste as she caught sight of the name at the top of the chatroom's screen.
"James? Again?" She grumbled irritably, rolling her eyes in annoyance as she relaxed against the seat we were sharing while I sheepishly shifted and lowered my phone slightly in shame, "Delilah, you need to move on from him. I know you think he's gonna come back to you eventually, but it's just not going to happen anytime soon," I frowned, narrowing my eyes against the harsh light that was warming our faces, "You need to move on. Besides, he's not the one if you still can't see any colors yet. Who knows? Maybe we'll meet your actual soulmate at DisneyWorld? Come on, Dels, lighten up a little!" Her hazel gaze was lit with mischief and I couldn't help but smile timidly at the prospect of finding my one special someone while on the trip.
"As intriguing as that sounds, Libs," I began amusedly, tapping out of the chatroom and clicking off my phone screen before turning my attention back to her once again, "You're just saying that because you're wanting to know who's been writing all those love notes all over your wrists for the past four and a half months," At my accusation, she tugs her hoodie over her face while instinctively glancing down at her wrists which were still sprawled with ink from her earlier conversation with whoever her soulmate happened to be.
Soulmates. As cliché as it sounded, the soulmate concept actually seemed kinda interesting. Ever since I could remember, that's been my number one dream. Finding the one person I'd spend forever with and knowing we'd be inseparable. It was exhilarating, like the thunder before a storm. For the past two years, I'd put up with being run over and taken advantage of, just hoping that James would end up being my soulmate, but unfortunately it became increasingly evident that life just kept making other plans.
First it was our conflicting schedules; I had just graduated from highschool whereas James was dropping out of junior college to follow his lifelong dream of becoming a professional freelance photographer. Despite how often I'd tried to talk to him throughout my last chaotic and essay-filled semester of senior year, James and I had begun drifting apart. And now, the one huge problematic factor of our relationship was the fact that it seemed James had completely detached himself from the idea of even officially committing himself to me. He wanted me to move in with him over the summer, but I'd already explained to him that I was going on a senior graduation trip with Libby to DisneyWorld. That seemed to have been the breaking point for him; as the days had passed preceding the DisneyWorld trip, his replies and calls had been nothing if not non-existent.
I thought maybe it had been my fault for him deciding to start to pull away from me. Maybe I just wasn't good enough for him? But surely we must be meant for something special after everything he and I had been through together? My heart throbbed agonizingly in my chest as I gloomily glanced down at my phone while unintentionally checking out of the conversation that Libby was trying to start with me about how excited she was. Had it not been for my current up in the air situation with James, I would've shared her excitement.
I'd never once been to DisneyWorld; I had always been so caught up in my own family problems and school work. That's why when Libby had discovered that this year the school planned to take the seniors on a trip to DisneyWorld for the first month of summer, she'd insisted on forcing me to go. Initially, I would've stayed home and preoccupied myself with something else, but once Libby has her mind on something, she's like a shark with its prey in its jaws. There was no discussion, the choice had been made for me obviously. Not that I'd minded much.
"Earth to Delilah," Libby called out, waving a hand in front of my face and causing my train of thought to be ruined as I blinked self consciously before meeting her gaze, "You gotta stop spacing out like that, Dels," she groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose as I laughed nervously, "Did you even hear what I said just now?" She murmured impatiently, raising an eyebrow at me while I slipped my phone into my pocket.
"Nope," I replied, causing her to groan in further exasperation as she throws her hands up in the air helplessly.
"Lord give me the strength," she grumbled irritably, "I said that I just got a new note from the my soulmate just now! He told me his name finally," as she says that, she moves her left arm so that I can peer down at the handwriting on her skin before it can fade away. 'Wally' was scrawled across her wrist, a stark deep black against the grainy white shade of Libby's skin. A brief flash of annoyance hits me as I purse my lips slightly, nodding in acknowledgment while turning my attention to the monochrome scenery as it flew past the travel bus windows outside. I shouldn't be so upset; I'd be able to see color eventually.
"You okay?" Libby curiously asked me, tilting her head concernedly at me as I sigh softly while moving my hair out of my face and forcing a supportive smile.
"I'm fine," I gently assured her, "I'm glad you finally found out what his name was. What took him so long?" I giggled teasingly with a grin. Libby rolls her eyes and nudges me in response while snorting in amusement.

~.: Wally's POV :.~

Dick chuckled in amusement as I sighed softly and ran my hands through my hair.
"What's gotten into you, Walls?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest while we made our way down the main room where the team was beginning to gather, "I thought you said you were an expert with women, yet you're more flustered than a highschool freshman with a crush," He teasingly cackled, nudging me in the side and I rolled my eyes at him in response.
"I'm nervous, okay? Gimme a break," I chuckled softly in reply, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly, "Not all of us are naturally dogs like you... And- I'm still not too keen on moving on after everything I had with Artemis... I know we broke up five months ago, but I just can't help but feel wrong for trying to find someone new," I begrudgingly admitted, shuffling my feet on the ground as we briefly pause just a little ways out of earshot from the other team members.
"I get it," Dick murmured softly in response, "Take things as slow as you want, Wally. You don't have to force yourself into doing anything you don't want to. But from what I've seen, it looks like you genuinely like whoever you've been writing to," he chuckled in amusement, resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder as I glance instinctively down at my right wrist as another message from my soulmate appears. Dick smirked cockily as I blushed slightly in response then made his way toward the front of the room to brief everyone on the missions he'd be assigning today.

~.: To Be Continued :.~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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