Chapter 4 - Will you be my Girlfriend

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Little bit of a time skip sorry

(Ginny's PoV)

We have been at the burrow for a few weeks now it is strange not being at hogwarts but me Harry,Ron and Hermione are coming back to do our seventh year. Magonalgoll being head teacher has allowed us to complete or redo our seventh year which means we will all be in the same year. Harry doesnt need to do his seventh year because he has already been offered a job as an auror but he says he can't live without me so he is coming back.

We are sitting at the kitchen table when Erol our family owl arrives with the post and our hogwarts letters.

"A bit early" I thought we don't normally get them till August but I guess they are important if we are getting them in July

We all ripped open our letters I'm am going to be head girl I could not believe it. Hermione and Ron has been made senior prefects (basically like deputy head boy and girl ). Harry was still reading his letter so I looked over his shoulder

"Harry, you are head boy, quidditch captain and DADA teacher that's amazing"

"Thanks Gin" he looks round and quickly kisses me without Ron or Hermione seeing because they are eating each other's faces off.

"Wait Harry how are you a teacher and a student ?" Hermione asked

Harry explained "well I am only taking classes needed to be and auror (transfiguration, potions, charms ) the Ministry don't think I need to take DADA because I am apparently qualified enough so Magonagoll asked me to teach as people still believed the position is cursed so they didn't have anyone so I said yes"

"Harry that's wonderful" Me and Hermione both said together.

Ron and Hermione went back to snogging so me and Harry left to go for a walk. He led me to a large tree and sat down. I sat next to him and he looked really nervous.

"Are you okay harry, you are really pale and sweating"

"Umm Gin would you consider being my girlfriend again if it's too soon then that's fine but like I still love you and yeah" he trailed off

I looked into his emerald eyes and I leaned in and kissed him. Between kisses I said "I would love to be your girlfriend Harry"

We eventually stopped kissing and we looked into each other's eyes. We stayed there for what felt like forever until I say "Can we not tell my family yet I know they won't aprove"

Harry responded "I was thinking the exact same thing" he got up and reached down so I could grab his hands and he couldn't pull me up. We walked hand in hand to the Burrow and say that Ron and Hermione were still snogging. No surprise there so we left them too it and went up into my room.
————————————————————————word count : 491

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