Void & Dust

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Those 32 readers who have been here from the start, knows pretty much everything about this. So, a little note, probably every second....thing....in this book will be like.....no suggestion. Like i mean.....every second whatever this is will be suggestion, and the other is just....what i feel like writing. The reason to this, is that every single of my suggestions are about Error. And as much as i love Error, i want some other characters in this too. So please if you send a suggestion, use some other characters than always Error, and remember that you can suggest that Error doesn't go into another multiverse alone. He can have some friend/family with him. Just not over four friends/family memebrs. The same with the other characters! 

(Also, credits to the one who made this beautiful picture of Dust!)

If you want part 2 on any of these stories, just comment that you want part 2, and i'll do it as fast as i can!

UnderVoid and Happy!TalE, along with the characters, are created by me and TwistyKei Please don't use these AU's and their characters without Twisty's, or my premission. Thank you.

This also is kinda like a crack in the end, since i have been feeling kinda down, and wanted to write something more funny.

Main pairing: Dust & Void

Multiverse where Void will be falling: Original

"I'm sorry.....I'm so so sorry...." Dust whispered, holding his love, Void, close to his chest.

"I didn't mean to.....i shouldn't have-" 

"It's okay master.....i know you didn't mean to....i forgive you." Void whispered weakly, smiling for Dust, his master, his lover.

"I'm so sorry....i can't loose you....please don't leave me!!!" Dust begun screaming in the end.

"I love you master.....I know you'll find someone better....I can't cheat death forever........be happy...for me master....please?" Dust smiled at Void's words, kissing his lover on the lips, while Void's body become lifeless.

"I'm so sorry i couldn't protect you  my love.....I promise i'll make Ink pay for this...." Nothing was left of Void than the red scarf. Dust holded the light red scarf to his chest for awhile, letting out tears. Dust took his Papyrus's scarf off of his neck, and placed Void's scarf on it's place. Dust standed up, as the Nightmare's gang and the star sanses looked at Dust.....scared. Dust turned around, looking Ink dead in the eyes. He swiped the tears away, glaring deep in Ink's none existing soul. His left eye flickered different shades of purple and blue, while his right eye flickered blood red.

"Heh. And they call you the creator...? The protector of AU's?" Dust voice was nothing but full of venom, as he send attacks Ink's way, almost impossible to dodge.

"He was innocent. He didn't do anything wrong!" Dust yelled, making gaster blasters, hitting Ink once.....or twice.

"YOU MADE HIM SUFFER! HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT COLORS WERE BEFORE WE FOUND HIM!!" Dust yelled, tears threating to fall again.

"YOU DESTROYED HIS AU! YOU LETTED HIM SUFFER!" Ink didn't even know anymore. The pain....it was just so much. Dust made sure to attack with all his might. Anyone can't stop him now.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" Ink yelled back, as he tried to dodge another set of bones, coming his way.


Happy!TalE. Another version of Undertale. So same, but so different. Everyone looked like in the original Undertale. But the storyline was so different. Everyone was....happier. No saddness, only happiness. No human, just the monsters. Gaster is alive, being the royal scientist. Everything is just perfect. But.......ofcourse someone had to destroy it all. Ink. Ink was so desbared to catch Error. To get ride of him, for good. He decided to make a blank space, where he could ambush Error. But...the creator couldn't create a blank space......so how is he gonna do it? He has to go to an AU, and let the VOID free. Let the VOID cover the AU. But what AU should it be...? Ah, Happy!TalE. Perfecr AU. No humans that are able to reset. And no one would miss the AU anyways. It isn't famous. Only Ink and.....well Ink knows about it. Besides, the AU is too perfect. Something interesting must happen! That was Ink's decesion. He turned Happy!TalE into a void. Room full of blackness. No matter how far you go, you will always end up in same place. Or that's how it's supposed to be. ink's ambush didn't work, and Error survived. Ink left like nothing happened, and left the Happy!TalE monsters there, forgetting their existing. The VOID corrupted everyone. Everyone was acting their opposite. Everyone was.....unhappy. They wanted it all to end. They wanted nothing more than death, to get out of there! Then the VOID claimed the Happy!TalE monsters as IT'S. IT turned every living monster there, into what they call.....void people. Many died in that process......everyone died painfully in that proces...expect one. The Sans. He went trought the whole torture, all while watching as his family died one by one, leaving him alone. He wasen't a Sans anymore. His bones looked a lot more paler. His once blue jacket turned into a really light blue. It made him lok more.....sadder. His once white sweater turned into light red, because of the blood that his soul was bleeding. His pupils were gone. His left eye was bright blue, and his right eye was white. His soul.....his soul is what changed the most. It wasen't a normal upside down white monster soul anymore. His soul was white in the middle, shading into a soft blue, then green, then yellow, then orange, and in the end....red. His ones only monster soul was now full of patience, kindness, justice, bravery and DETERMINATION. It would have been so beautiful, if it wasen't full of cracks. His soul looked like it could shatter at any moment, but it still stayed together. It was DETERMINATED to live. Sans didn't think himself as a Sans anymore, so he decided to name himself after his worst nightmare. Void.

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