Fairies and Error XD

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So i'm gonna change up things a bit. Error's more human like, and Bloom's planet got destroyed. Error would have saved Bloom's planet, but it would have affected the time-line too much. Error promised to Bloom's parents that he will watch over Bloom, and keep her safe. Well, as safe as he can with his job. It's been about a year since Error visited Bloom, because of his job. When he finally visited Bloom, he saw her fighting against Trixie's. He decided to mess up with the time-line more, and helped them to beat Trixie's.

Nightstar246's suggestion (I'm gonna cringe so fricking much writing this XD)

Hope you like it.

Pairings: None, but some people may have a crush on Error.

Note: This multiverse where Error visit's is pretty strange, since there are fairies, witches etc. And then Error just pops out of no where and beats the witches. So, cringe warning.


It's been a year now since Error last visited Bloom. Such a long time. But Error can't do anything about it. He HAS to destroy AU's. Thought something happened.....

Error was in OuterTale, taking a little break. But of course someone just HAD to ruin it. And the one to ruin it was Ink. Suprise suprise. And Ink being the asshole he was 'accidently' pushed Error off the cliff. Stoopid Ink. Realized his mistook too latte!

Error fell in the Void (pun inded).
Nononononononononono!! He can't die yet! He wouldn't give two fucks about the multiverse, but he can't die yet! He has to keep an eye on Bloom! He has to see her again! To Error, Bloom is like his own child. Bloom was the first one not to judge him by his looks and job, after her planet died. The sweet red haired fairy was the only one that cared for Error....

He can't die right now. He's too DETERMINED to die! He NEEDS to see Bloom again! And with those thoughs, Error blacked out.....

Error woke up in.....ground? He felt hard ground below him. He opened his eyes, and looked around himself. This is the forest! He can't remember this forest's name, but he know this is close to the school his child goes. And fighting can be heared from the way Bloom's school is. Error gets up from the ground, starting to walk the way the fighting was coming from. He soon appeard in the gate of Alfea, hiding in the shadows to watch the fight going on. The trixie's, three witches named Icy, Darcy and Stormy.
Were there, fighting against the fairies. The witches were a lot stronger then they last time were. Error could tell it by one, sensing their magic, and two, even the teachers were fightins against the three witches. Error looked around the battle field, and soon noticed Bloom. As Bloom was trying to help one of her friends....what was her friends name again? He can't remember. But she has yellow hair, with a light blue wand. Her name started with 'S', that Error can remember. Error put his attention back to Bloom, seeing how much she has grown. She had stronger powers now, and Error was extremely proud of her. As Bloom tried to help her friend, she didn't notice Icy's attacking coming her way. Error's body moved on it's own, and he wrapped Bloom in dark blue strings, yanking her out of the way. Bloom, along with everyone who noticed this, looked shocked. And Bloom could reconize these blue strings.....they were Error's! Error let out a sigh, as he knew he can't hide in the shadows anymore. He walked out of the shadow's, putting his hands in his hoodie's pockets.

"There goes my front row seat watching this fight." Error said, sighing sadly.

"Oh well. Fighting along is much more interesting." As Error said that, he took his strings out of his eyes, as error signs moved around him more widely. Stormy used her powers to make a hurricane, and shot it towards Error. Error easily just wrapped his strings around the hurricane, destroying it with no effort. He wrapped Stormy in his strings, throwing her in the ground besides Faragonda. Stormy passed out because of the impact, as Error smirked.

"Tibia honest, i thought this would be harder." Said Error as he tied up Darcy, and throwed her in the ground as well.

"But i guess not everyone is fighting against the god of creation every day..." As Error said that, he also wraped Icy in his strings, and threw her to the ground. As Error turned around, he was tackled in a hug by Bloom, and they both FELL (Hahaha) to the ground.

"ERROOOOOR!! I MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!" Bloom yelled, as Error hugged her back.

"Heh. I missed you too kiddo." Error said, rufling (?) Bloom's hair.

"C'mon now. We got a lot explaining to do." Error said with a sigh, as Bloom got off of Error, and helped him off the ground.

~Later at Faragonda's office because i have no idea what to put in here~

"So...." Faragonda started as she sat in her chair.

"Who exactly are you?" Faragonda asked, as all of the girls attention went to Error.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Error, the god of destruction." Error said bowing. Faragonda looked at Error, glaring. It looked like Faragonda was trying to look if Error was lying, witch he was not. Faragonda sighs, as she gestures the others to leave the room. Bloom hugs Error one last time before walking out of the door.

~With the girls~

"Bloom. Who was that?" Stella, Bloom's bestfriend, asked.

"That was my uncle. Well, he isn't actually my uncle, and he's more like a father figure to me." Bloom explained with a sigh.

"But didn't everyone in your planet die?" Flora asked, as she looked at Bloom with a questioning face.

"Yea. He isn't from my planet. He's actually from a different dimension....well he calls it different multiverse." Stella was about to say something, when Bloom continued.

"He's not a human, or specialist. He isn't a wizard, and no, he isn't any bad guy. Well technically. In his multiverse, he has to kill people, in order to save billions. He was forced to do it, by a greater god, and his worst enemy, Ink, the god of creation. And i haven't told about him before, because he said that it could affect our time-line too much. Error can explain more." The others eyes widen at the new information. Error has a lot explaining to do.....

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