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"IN accordance to the alliance between Lucis and La Thania," The Glaives stood in the common room of the Kingsglaive HQ, eyes trained on the TV as the King made an announcement, a few hours right after the signing ceremony finished. Beside him were his council and the La Thanian royals along with their precession "One lucky citizen of Lucis will be married to the Imperial Dragon of La Thania, Empress Vhalenyra"

They could hear the loud cheers of the public, visibly pleased with the news. Who would blame them? A chance to move up in life? A chance to be royalty? To have servants cater to your every whim? It was all impossibly magical. It was. Like everything in life, there were pros and cons.

"Every citizen will have a fair chance to cast their name for this once in a lifetime opportunity. By tomorrow, the Imperial Princess Haera will draw the lucky winner" King Regis continued

"Man wouldn't be great to be king?" Libertus said, nudging Nyx by his elbow "Who knows, maybe one of us would be lucky"

"If we enter" Pelna said, rolling his eyes "Any of you entering?"

"Why you asking? You planning to be king yourself?" Nyx asked

"Why should we?" Luche asked "Just because there's an alliance with La Thania doesn't mean the war's over"

"Come on, Luche, lighten up!" Crowe said "Stop thinking about the war for one second"

"How can I not think about the war when that's the only thing to think about?" Luche scoffed as he crossed his arms

"I don't know about you guys but I'm entering. Only an idiot would pass up the opportunity" Tredd said "Plus, it's a bonus that the Empress is easy on the eyes"

The rest of the day was spent patrolling the city, a few of the Glaives were sent to oversee the places in the city that were to accept the entries. Fortunately for Nyx, he was sent to stand guard in the Citadel. He was stationed inside the building, arguably the safest place in Lucis. He took numerous rounds in the small garden, bored out of his mind.

The Citadel's garden was the only source of greenery in the vast urban jungle, except for a few floral shops here and there around the city. It was a breath of fresh air, compared to the endless buildings that littered across the large city. It reminded him of Galahd, the river that flowed through the garden, some flowers even originated from his home.

"I was surprised to see that you have a garden here" Nyx turned to see the Empress standing before him, dressed more casually. Every time he interacted with the royal, she usually was dressed in the finest robes, decorated by numerous jewels. Now, she wore a simple dress.

"You and me both" Nyx chuckled, stopping his annual round. Talking with the royal wouldn't hurt would it? I mean, there's nothing remotely dangerous in the garden "How do you find Insomnia?"

"It's different" Vhaleyra replied as she glanced around the garden, soaking in the sunlight "but beautiful"

"Different how?" Nyx asked

"Insomnia boasts tall buildings that graze the sky or the wall rather, Insomnia is the epitome of an urban jungle" Vhalenyra "While La Thania is more on the greener side"

"So, where are your dragons?" Nyx asked "I saw them back in the battlefield but they're nowhere to be found"

"They're here" Vhalenyra said as she unclasped a necklace, showing it off to Nyx. It had four dragon heads, all connected to one body.

"You're joking" Nyx scoffed looking at the jewelry with furrowed eyebrows

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Vhalenyra asked

"I don't know, you have that look that look that royals have whenever they're in court" Nyx said as he shrugged his shoulders

Vhalenyra chuckled at him, a small smile on her lips as she shook her head "Vullaery"

The eyes of one of the heads glowed, the head detaching as a body formed behind it. It started to look more like a dragon as it flew around Vhalenyra, breathing its fire at Nyx. It perched itself on Vhalenyra's shoulder, eyes trained on Nyx.

"It's so... small" the dragon growled at Nyx, fire escaping its mouth.

"Well, bringing a full sized dragon where ever you go can be a bit of a hassle" Vhalenyra chuckled

"So, you just have spare dragons lying around?" Nyx asked with a boyish grin

"This is the same dragon" Vhalenyra said as she caressed the dragon "My siblings and I can manipulate their size at will"

"That's... amazing"

"Amazing and magnificent dragons may be" Vhalenyra sighed, looking into the far off distance "They only bring death and ruin"

"And yet it's your family's sigil" Nyx smartly commented

"So it is" Vhalenyra said as she closed her eyes, memories of war filled with fire and chaos resurfacing "Every battle I fly into, I always leave a pile of ashes. One of my own cities turned into ruins because of dragon fire"

"Enough about dragons" Vhalenyra said as she shook her head slightly "Surely the king has more use for the Kingsglaive rather than as a castle guard?"

"When we aren't deployed out of the city, we're usually stationed around Insomnia" Nyx replied "How about you? I'm sure there are other ways to form an alliance other than through marriage"

"The court insisted" Vhalenyra said with a heavy sigh "And I could not subject my siblings to such fate"

"What if the winner's a girl?" Nys questioned, curious to see what her reaction was going to be.

"Then for the first time in history, La Thania will have two empresses instead of one" Vhalenyra answered, not bothered by the idea of being wed to a woman.

"What if its me?" Nyx teased with a loop-sided smile.

"Then, it's you" Vhalenyra replied, matching his smile.


Nyx was back in the Kingsglaive HQ, every Glaive packed in the common room as they waited for the announcement. The announcement who the lucky winner was, the lucky citizen who was going to be royalty through marriage. A few of the Glaives were bussing with delight, Nyx second-guessing that they sent their names in.

Nyx could careless who the winner was, he was just happy that they were getting reinforcements in fighting Niflheim off. They might even get their homes back but that was easier said than done. Winning the war was one thing but building their homes back up? Trying to get everything back to normal? That was going to be a challenge.

La Thania did promise an alliance, they already proved that in the battlefield but will they help the cities destroyed due to Niflheim's lust for power? Will they send aid like they did in the battle? Nyx was yet to find out. He knew nothing of the country and even more so how their ruler acts. She maybe a great person to talk to but he didn't know how she treated the public.

The program came on, the camera trained on the Imperial princess. She turned the barrel by its handle, the papers inside tumbling as every citizen held their breath in anticipation. She opened the barrel, bringing out a folded piece of paper. She glanced towards someone off screen, sighing as she opened the paper.

Her eyes scanned the paper and stared directly at the camera right in front of her "Nyx Ulric"

published: 04/11/2020

edited: 06/11/2020, 09/22/2020

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