Part 4 Natalie's P.O.V

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I'm sitting in my car out the front of Y/N house. I can hear shouting then hear the door slam. I lead Y/N to my house and we go to my room. I specifically saw that boy we saw at the mall give her his number so.. just for fun I ask her if she's going to message him. She says she wanted to when we were together so I smiled. "What do I say?" Y/N asks. I say "give me your phone real quick" she hands me her phone. "ok.. we're do I start"
                           Mall Boy🙈
Me: hi.. is this the
boy at the mall?    
Mall Boy 🙈: Yea.. hi...
how are you feeling?
Me: Better..

I give her back her phone. Read it and this is what it looked like.

Me: I'm so sorry..
but what was
your name again?
Mall Boy 🙈: Ondreaz
but call me drea😊
              Name changed to Drea✨
Drea✨: Wanna hang
out sometime?
Me: sure..
Drea ✨: here's my
address.. 123 what Eva road
you can come
over now if you want?
Me: Sure

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