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I am raging!! Tony posted a photo us kissing. Ugh! I go downstairs and push him against the bench. I hold his nuts and squish them and tell him "you delete that fucking photo or I swear I'll rip them off" he groans and grabs his nuts as I lets go. Ondreaz walks downstairs and I hug him. Tony is still bent over and I wink at him. Ondreaz Pushes me me the lounge and kisses my neck. I moan and make him hard and get up. He shakes his head and I say "do you both want to come over my house?"they both nod and I tell Natalie there coming over. She says "ok my perants aren't here anyway" Ondreaz says he will drive. I say "ok bby" tony starts gagging I laugh. On our way there he puts his hand on my thigh. I flinch his hand starts going further up my leg until it get to my panties. He starts fingering me and I moan and try and cough on it. He goes faster and I moan loud and Tony laughs. Ondreaz quickly moves his fingers and I blush. He holds my hand. We get to the house and we knock. Natalie answers and says "hey girl" "were roomies" i tell them. We all go upstairs. "is anyone hungry" I ask. they all say yes so I say "let's go to the mall". Tony says " well we will go home and get ready then pick you up ok" We nod and Dre winks at me. My tummy ubrupts with butterflys.
I have a shower and put a cute skirt on.
Natalie puts a dress on. The boys come back and pick us up.
I smile and go out the front with Natalie. Natalie drives and me an Ondreaz sit in the back. We start making out in the back seat. We take our seat belts off and I lay on-top of him. I moan in the kiss. He says "your so hot" and I take his hoodie off. He doesn't have a t-shirt on. He starts to put his hand down my pants until Tony laughs. We sit up and he puts his hoodie on. Natalie was recording and I blushed. He whispers "can we finish this at home?" I nod and fix up my hair.

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