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twitter: "hi! sooo this is my coming out post, im non binary, please use they/them pronouns for me"

'thats just wrong'
'thats not a real thing'
'your going to hell!'

That was 3 months ago... my bands gotten more and more unpopular.
'YO BAKUBRO I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU DUDE' i heard pikachu yell from the livingroom in our small, rented house. I ran out to the room and everyone (shinsou, pikachu, pinky, tapey, deku and icythot) was crowded around pikachu's phone, someone was on facetime but i couldnt see who it was.
'Whats up? Who's on the phone?' I asked
'So y'know how our band is baisically at rock bottom?' Pinky said
'Because of you' added icythot, Deku hit him.
'Well uh yeah i guess' i replied
'Welll y'know the singer Eijiro?' Pinky continued
'Again, yes.' I replied, not seeing the point as i grabbed a drink.
'Well he wants to collaborate with us for our next album'
I choked on my apple juice
'Ask him yourself pinky said showing me that Eijiro was on facetime, i turned red from embarrasment
'H-hi' i stuttered waving sheepishly, he chuckled and fuck it was cute.
'Hi, you're Bakugo right? I'm coming to stay with you for the next year!' Eijiro said with a toothy smile, which made me even more red, he was so hot yet ALSO cute it was killing me.
'C-cool!' I smile, Denki looked dumbfounded
'YOU CAN SMILE? WOW' Pikachu joked
'SHUT UP' i said, very red.
Eijiro giggled and said 'Ill be arriving tommorow, but i have to go eat with my friends, cya' and then hung up.
'Someone has a crushy crush~' teased Shinsou
'Ill blast you to hell.' I growl
'Oh no the baby's having a tantrum' Shinsou joked again.
I got pissed off and went to my room. I hated to admit it but Shinsou might be right.... maybe i did love him? I didnt know. I sat on my bed and slammed my head into a pillow and groaned. After a half an hour i fell asleep.

Thanks for reading! Im excited for this book and also another book im gonna start today!

I do love you || band AU || nb baku x kiri ||Where stories live. Discover now