Sick On Christmas

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Yes, yes I know it's no where near Christmas but I just got this idea and I couldn't let it go. So ENJOY!

Harry POV

''Guys can you believe it it's almost Christmas!'' Niall exclaimed. They were decorating the Christmas tree, and I was trying my best to not show how sick I actually was. My stomach clenched painfully it had been making noises this whole time and I was positive that I was gonna throw up soon. But I can't ruin the boys' Christmas so I'll just deal with it. We finally got done with the tree and was just about to sit down when Niall had another great idea. ''Hey lads why don't we bake some cookies!'' all the boys got excited about this unfortunately. I slowly walked to the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools. Louis gave me a weird look ''Why aren't you baking Haz?'' I shrugged ''Kinda tired.'' he gave me another look but nodded. The rest of the time went smoothly thankfully. I was ready to snuggle under my duvet but the lads were as hyper as ever! ''C'mon Harry lets dance to some Christmas music!'' Louis said waving me over to join them. I inwardly groaned but walked over Louis clapped me on the back and started dancing. I danced pretty slow and not as crazy as I usually do but I don't think- ''Hazza why are you dancing so slow have you lost your Christmas spirit?'' Niall asked attracting Louis' and Liam's attention. ''I just didn't get enough sleep last night that's all.'' I lied. ''Oh c'mon Harry how tired do you think Santa gets surely you can have enough energy to dance. It's only 7:00!'' Louis pointed at the clock. I grimaced this wasn't gonna end well. I danced a little more like my usual self. ''Okay lads lets watch some Christmas movies.'' Thank God I was about to puke all over the presents. ''I'll be right back lads.'' they nodded. I casually walked to the bathroom till I was out of sight then I ran locking the door behind me to block out the sound and fell to my knees and started violently throwing up. I gagged then more sick barreled its way up my throat. When I finally finished I splashed some water in my face to look as normal as possible then calmly walked back into the lounge. ''Jesus Haz you look bloody awful!'' Niall exclaimed, arousing the other's attention. ''Are you okay H?'' Louis asked. ''Course.'' black spots clouded my vision I quickly sat down. My stomach started churning a big wave of nausea swept over me, my mouth watered. ''Are you sure cau-'' Niall's words stopped at the back of his throat when Harry jolted off the couch and threw up all over the floor. Everyone sprang into action Louis bolted to get a bucket and Niall and Liam kneeled beside me. Louis returned with the bucket just in time to catch the next round of sick. I clawed desperately at the person next to me while my vision went black. I finished puking and sagged back wearily on Liam's chest. The room spun and everyone's faces blurred together then nothing.

Liam's POV

Tonight was a wreck, first Harry puked everywhere then the next thing I know Harry's passed out! ''Call an ambulance.'' Niall stood up and dialed the number. I tapped Harry's cheek his eyelids twitched. ''That's it come on Harry wake up.'' He groaned ''What happened?'' his voice was raspy and dry sounding. ''You fainted mate.'' Louis answered. Harry looked around not seeming like he even knew he was being talked to, his eyes were really glossy and all over the show. He leaned into my chest and passed out again. Niall's eyes widened ''He's out cold again?'' I nodded. The ambulance finally got there ''Okay who's coming on the ambulance?'' the boys agreed I should go and the others got into the van and rushed off to the hospital. We got there and they got Harry into a room, the lads showed up soon after. The lads and I waited a bit till they called out ''Harry Styles.'' a nurse led us to his room. Haz was awake now and tiredly looked at us ''Hey lads.'' he said his voice deep. ''How do you feel Haz?'' ''Okay.'' he responded. ''Next time tell us if you're sick Harry!'' Lou said. ''Sorry.'' ''Don't be sorry we're just glad you're okay!'' I said. The doctor said Harry had a bad stomach flu and prescribed some antibiotics for him. We all babied him till he got better. About three weeks later though Louis was sick!

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