pt. 6

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a/n: i hope you guys like this chapter as much as i liked writing it!!! it took me a while to write this chapter, as you can see, it's the longest chapter yet! :)


word count: 2,057.

flashback to four years ago, it was around midnight when you reached arón's apartment. you had gotten pizza and some snacks for supper, and you were ready to surprise him. the both of you hadn't met for over a week as you had been busy with submissions, while he was busy with filming. there you were opening the door to arón's apartment with the spare key he gave you on your first anniversary, awaiting to see the man you love so much. you were in a nice white mini dress, wanting to look good for arón. it had been a while since you had put in the effort to do so, but it was wasted, because you were in his apartment, with no signs of him anywhere. you were confused. before you made your way down, he told you he was chilling at home. you thought he might had gone downstairs to the laundry room so you waited. you waited and waited, until the hopes of him being there dashed and you finally admitted that he had lied to you about where he was. you had been trying to get a hang of him for the past hour, but all the calls you made went straight to voicemail, and you had no idea where he was. you refrained from calling his friends, not to make a fuss out of a situation that could possibly be very minute. however, as the minute went by, you couldn't help but worry about him. could have something happened to him? you didn't want to call his friends, so you called your friends first, hoping that they might have bumped into him somewhere. the first person you thought of was miguel, and you rang him up, "hola chica, que pasa?" but you could barely hear him because of the sounds from the background that was fucking loud, and you knew he was at a bar or a club somewhere in madrid. you asked him if he had seen your boyfriend anywhere that night, and he yells, "of course, i saw him walking in with his friends, he didn't see me though. it's fucking crowded here, but he's right there with his friends." he sends you a photo of arón in the bar, looking hella flushed, and you thought, he had one too many drinks.

    "didn't you know?" miguel asks you and you hang up the call, quickly flagging a cab to make your way down to the bar. you couldn't wrap your head around how he lied to you, and why he would even feel the need to. soon after, you reached the bar, you walked in trying to find him. you saw miguel standing by the bar, and he waved at you and gestured you to come to him, but you smile at him weakly and shook your head. he got the memo — you weren't here to have a good time. he pointed you in the direction where arón was at, and you followed it, until you finally saw the face of the man you had been desperately searching for. he was sitting at a table with his friends, smoking, and smiling; he was having a good time. it's been a while since you saw him smiling that brightly. your heart sank. you were there, just a few steps away from him, but you couldn't seem to take those steps forward. you couldn't move. perhaps you had been worrying about him for the past hour, and you were exhausted from feeling so many emotions in the past hour, or maybe you were just relieved to see him happy, and having fun, or maybe you just finally realised how happy he can be even if he didn't have you. you could feel your eyes starting to water, so you turned around to walk away.

     feeling like someone was looking at him, arón turns to look in your direction, and his eyes widen, when he sees you walking away to get out of the bar. oh shit, he thought. arón gets up from his seat, chasing after you, with his heart beating profusely as he knew shit was about to go down. he was ready to run to you and apologise for lying to you, but he stops when he catches the sight of you leaning against the wall outside the bar, crying. he could feel his heart aching, and it was the most painful one he has ever felt, as he knew he was the reason behind all those tears. he walks over to stand in front of you, and places his hand behind your back to rub it, before he pushes you into his chest to hug you. you were crying, you were crying uncontrollably. you had been trying to suppress those tears for the longest time. you and arón had been having a rough time. the both of you were experiencing growing pains in your relationship because you guys had been busy, and had been struggling to make this relationship work. with his filming schedule, and your never-ending submissions, you guys barely had the time for each other. it wasn't easy, but you guys found a way to make it work, you believed that with love, the both of you could overcome anything. you recalled all those times you said, "you do you, and i'll do me. we may be apart, but we're always together." you were a hopeless romantic. however, what started out with the ultimate hope and faith faltered down into something so fragile; you guys were constantly fighting. while you would choose to spend your days off your assignments with him, he would spend a fraction of his days off with you, and most of it with his friends partying. you had been feeling neglected, but you had always found a way to justify his behaviour, thinking, he's just as lonely as i am.

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