Chapter one

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Megans POV

I was getting ready to go to the skate park then have a sleep over with my friends Diane, Lana, and Anet we were in summer brake right now and we had one more week till we went back to hell.

I got my bag and put my phone headphones keys inside

I got my skateboard and played One Direction on my phone as I plugged in my head phones in because I'm 1D af!

I locked the door and made my way to the stake park. I decided to text Diane and tell her ill be there in like 5 minutes.

When I got there I saw them all waiting for me by a huge tree

"Hey guys"

"Hey" they all quickly replied

We were talking to eachother while skateboarding since this skate park was normally really empty. There was only a group of boys and us

"Meg there's a boy looking at you and it's creepying me out" lana whispered to me

"Shut up he's coming over here" diane whispered to us

I turned around to see a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes making his way towards me I wasn't paying attention and feel off my skateboard .

" oh my god are you okay??" I hear someone ask

I look up to see a literal god.

"megan are you okay!??!" Asked Lana, Anet and Diane

"Yeah I'm fine" I said as the guy helped me get up

"Thanks" I said to him

"No problem I'm Hayes" he said sticking his hand out

"I'm Megan" 

I continued to talk to hayes for a while diane, lana, and anet were talking to his friends.

But of course it started getting late and we had to go

"common meg we gotta go" diane says

"Okay I'm coming" I said getting up

"Bye hayes it was nice to meet you" I said smiling

"Oh no no no no nice to meet you usually means I'm never gonna see you again which I won't let happen with us. Lemme see your phone" hayes said

I handed him my phone and he was typing something in

"This is my number text me" he said smiling

"MEGAN LETS GOOOO!!"diane yelled

"Bye I got to go" I said

"Bye" he said smiling

ndbdhdhdhdjsj his smile I couldn't help but blush

As we were walking back to lana and Anets house which is where we were gonna have the sleep over diane spoke up

"So you and Hayes" she said with a smirk on her face

"Nothing we just talked and he gave me his number." I said like it was nothin even tho I was screaming inside

" AHHHH HE GAVE YOU HIS NUMBER!!!" Lana said screaming

Anet and diane looked at eachother and started jumping up and down screaming "OTP OTP OTP OTP!!"

"Oh my god you guys calm down we legit just met" I said

"True" they all said as we walked in to lana ans anets house

For the rest of the night we just talked and watched netflix.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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