Chapter 6: Saturday Water Adventure

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It was Saturday surprisingly it's been almost a week and there was no akuma attacks the heroes didn't mind it but they still continued there everyday patrol for safety reasons and no akuma attacks means no leaving for Adrien he was stuck at his house after school or before school

Adrien was in his room reading the bucket list of Nathalie he has many of them checked already only a few more to go

He noticed the waterpark and remembered that his friends were going there he thought if he could go out with them since it is a Saturday and he have nothing else to do

So he got up and went straight to his father's office he knocked and Nathalie opened it

Yes Adrien? She asked do you need anything?

Nathalie since it is Saturday could I go out with my friends to the waterpark? He asked nervously

Adrien you know your father's rules she replied

I know but it's a Saturday and I have nothing else to do he replied back

She sigh and replied

Fine I'll talk to him but as long as you have your bodyguard with you and you'll be home by 6

Deal he replied happily

Ok now go and get ready she replied

The boy smiled and went sprinting to his room he grabbed his swim trunks and his other swimming gear and cheese for his kwami

While gathering some stuff his kwami went out and asked

Do we really have to go? He asked

Yes plagg I wanna go out and hang 9ut with my friends he replied

But aren't you supposed to be doing your father's assistants bucket list come true not experience them yourself he asked

I know but Nathalie is like cold I know she wouldn't agree to go on a waterpark unless there's a perfectly good reason he replied

The kwami just shoved a cheese and Adrien said

But I'll figure something out he replied

He grabbed his kwami and his belongings and rushed down he went out of the mansion and went to there car and the bodyguard drove him to there location

Meanwhile back at the mansion Nathalie thought about the waterpark she wished she could go swimming but with all her responsibilities she couldn't she went back to her desk and continued working

After a long day of working she was finally finished her shift  meanwhile Adrien just got back home she noticed him red so she went to him and asked

Did you have fun?

Yes I went down the waterslide like a maniac Adrien replied

And you forgot your sunscreen now you look like a tomato she replied

Adrien look at his skin and froze in terror

It's alright your next photoshoot is still next week unless your father moves them she replied

Thanks God he replied

Now go to your room and change I'll ready your dinner in 5 minutes

Adrien nodded then went upstairs meanwhile Nathalie told the chef what Adrien was gonna eat for her she went to her room and changed it's been a very busy day she needed a break

She grabbed some of her batting suit and and went to the mansions indoor pool she went inside and released duusuu from her miraculous

Miss Nathalie! The kwami said

Go on dussu play in the water while I change she suggested the kwami nodded and went flopping to the water which made a little splash

She went to the bathroom and changed to something simple and went jumping in the water with her kwami

This is nice after a long day of stress work
She said

And it's been along time since you and Mr Gabriel used me and duusuu are you two ok? She asked

It is a long time since we transformed into Hawkmoth and mayura she thought but let's not think about that anymore let's just relax she replied

She started swimming to the bottom and holding her breath for as long as possible and duusu joined her with no problem since the kwami doesn't have any lungs

Meanwhile Gabriel was in his office checking the news when he decided to check on the house security cameras he noticed Adrien eating in the dinning table all the rooms were clear no one was in the gates and he noticed someone was in the pool

Weird he thought he left the office and went to the mansions pool area he entered and noticed someone was underwater he noticed it was Nathalie so he jumped and went deep to the pool he grabbed her and scared the shit out of her

Then they quickly swam to the top of the surface and inhaled meanwhile Nathalie yelled

What the heck sir ?! You scared the shit out of me

Scared you? You should be thankful that I saved you he replied

Saved me? I wasn't drowning! She replied

You were underwater sitting like a dead person what do you want me to think?! He asked

All dead person doesn't sit after they die she replied sir I'm not some princess who needs a prince I can take care or myself she said

Then Gabriele turned away in shamed

All right then he replied he got up and went out of the pool

Then Nathalie smiled and said

But still thanks sir for being worried for me

Gabriel smiled and replied

I'll be going now

Before he could leave she grabbed his hand and said

Considering the fact that your very wet might as well join just

Then she grabbed him to the pool 2hich made a splash meanwhile nooroo and duusuu were underwater playing

Adrien noticed noises coming from the pool area so he went and checked to his suprised it was Nathalie and his father he figured he might join but he didn't wanna ruin the fun for the two of them so he just went straight to his room

HE grabbed the list and checked the waterpark and went to bed

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