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" chapter one "

the word "anxious" isnt one you'd typically use to describe y/n l/n. he was more of the stupid, reckless type. he acted on impulse and instinct, and never gave a second thought to his actions. after all, there was no reason to regret, nothing benefit from it.

now, that was exactly what was going through his head a few moments before he was banned from ilvermorny's grounds as long as the headmaster had a brain, and the ability to recognise him. but everyone knew the old hag was dying soon, anyways, so he could have waited and reapplied.

of course, his parents let all hell rip loose when they heard. to say they were fuming was an understatement, and in the end they ended up shipping him to spend the rest of his four years in hogwarts, the largest wizarding school in europe. the headmaster, dumbledore, was much more forgiving and must have taken pity on the young boy.

now, of all times, y/n was anxious. his palms sweaty, and his mind racing from his thoughts. it was the middle of fourth year, january, and he'd be forced to watch the entire school gather just for his sorting ceremony. in ilvermorny, he was a pukwudgie, which is normally translated with hufflepuff. he wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that.

y/n almost flinched when he heard a booming and simultaneously calming voice coming from behind the large doors he was standing behind. the older, and kind lady that had introduced herself as "mrs. mcgonagall", opened the doors with a flick of her wand and gestured for the boy to walk down the hall, between four tables.

he turned his chin up as he walked along up to the stool, sitting where everyone could see it. he hated it. the people around him looked no different than they did in ilvermorny, maybe just a bit less diverse. before he knew it, he was seated in the old stool, grunting softly as the hat was placed over his messy h/c locks. his shoulders slumped down as he ignored the chatter around him.

"HUFFLEPUFF" the hat declared.

y/n was quick to take off the hat and set it back on its soft pillow before he reluctantly followed the cheers. the table was decorated with a yellow tablecloth, with some kind of furry animal on the end. a badger, perhaps?

he tried hard not to judge, but everyone there looked so soft at that table. pukwudgies had been that way, and he had tended to stay around wampus', thunder birds, and horned serpents at his old school. so, really anyone that wasnt a pukwudgie. he soon settled into a seat near the end, a girl smiling warmly at him as the laughter and cheers died down.

"im violet" she murmured and looked over at the boy

violet had dark, fluffy hair, her tight curls bouncing everywhere. they were darker than her brown eyes, and skin of the same color. the yellow pops on her robes made her dark complexion even more stunning.

"y/n" he replied and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, observing how quickly everyone had moved on with their days.

"you're going to want to fix that" violet giggled to his left, making him furrow his eyebrows and tilt his head to the side

"your voice. we do have a few different students from around-"

"my voice?" y/n interrupted.

"your accent. you sound horribly american" she confirmed and twirled her hair around her fingers.

"that's because i am horribly american" he replied, though his tone of voice made it sound like a question.

"yeah, we'll work on that. who are you bunking with?" she asked curiously, completely dropping the old subject.

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