Do you promise me?

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Night was beginning to fall, Levi was locked in Erwin's office, both sitting discussing their latest plans for the expedition to retake the Shiganshina District as they prepared their spirits for what would probably be the worst battle the Survey Corps would face. On the desk of Erwin was the serum that would give them the ability to steal the power of a titan, and behind it Erwin lay sitting, crestfallen and thinking of anything but the plans Levi discussed with him.

Levi sighed angrily, realizing that everything he was saying wasn't being absorbed by the commander, so he stands up with dissatisfaction, clenched fist against Erwin's desk, the hollow sound finally catching the blonde's attention.

"Erwin..." Levi voice echoed in the empty room. "Oi, are you even listening to me?"

Erwin brought his distant gaze to Levi and shook his head in apology.

"What's happening with you?" Levi asked. "Are you that nervous about this plan?"

"You know Levi, I've been thinking..." Erwin's voice was low and tired, and he certainly showed that he hadn't heard anything that Levi was saying to him. "I know you're so worried with this plan as me, but it's my last night before the expedition and I really want to have some time with my fiancee." The commander sighed. "It might be my last night with her..."

Levi blinked, deadpanned. Was that what was bothering him? He who had called him to talk about the plan... But then his eyes wandered to Erwin's lost arm to his worried expression and he understand it. The last time he said this words to him, (y/n) wasn't his fiancee but just his girlfriend. And that last time he almost didn't return from the expedition. But happy to be alive, with only one arm Erwin had bought a ring and proposed her that same day, and until then he didn't stop to worry about how could be her life if he wasn't able to be there to protect her. After all, just after that happened there was the coup d'etat where Erwin was almost hanged.

Well, Levi understood that feeling. He could even say that he identified himself with it: with Farlan, Isabel, then Petra and his squad, and now with Erwin himself. But he couldn't show that to his commander. His weak side.

"You are so fucking morbid." He sneered, trying to lighten the weight that Erwin's words could carry. "But I think you deserve a night out with your fiancee. You're lucky to care about someone and have someone who cares about you. Go enjoy some time with her."

Erwin got up from his chair, one of his shirt sleeves swaying gently where his arm was no longer present to fill it up while, with his only hand he gathered all the paperwork and tossed it in the drawer.

"I would like you to come with me, however," murmured Erwin as he took care to continue to straighten his paperwork in the other corner of the table, until finally he grabbed the small box with the serum and put it in his coat pocket to keep it safe. 

Levi frowned and immediately denied it."Hah? Will you want me to be the third wheel? No fucking way!"

"At least until I get to her house..." Erwin explained. "I want to ask you something and I need you to come with me for now..."

"Can't you just said it here already?" 

Erwin shook his head. But Levi knew that it was not an order, but a friendly request and that is precisely why he was unable to say no to the blonde.

"Ah shit... Whatever Erwin." Levi swore, shrugging. "Just don't make me lose my fucking night".


Levi went with Erwin to the district of Calaneth, where the home of (y / n), Erwin's fiancée, was installed. The army coach left them to the gates of the Wall Rose and the rest of the route Erwin and Levi made by walking. Erwin, who until then had remained silent, took advantage of the empty and cold streets of the district at that time of night to start saying everything he needed to say to the captain.

I can't replace him... (Levi x Reader Erwin's fiancee)Where stories live. Discover now