What a dream

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It all started with me going outside to the store to find some stuff and one of my friends said "oh look a onesie". And then she found a book that when you open it it has a fire places. The fire place had Little Rock's Andreas Fire. There was even more big one next to it, it scared my friend and she almost dropped a book on the floor. My dad came up to me and said do I want anything and I said "No" because everything was expensive. Then my dad payed for the things and we left. My dad said the girls can go to a furniture and nails and makeup store. And me and my stepmom and stepsister and my grandma went to the store and I saw something that I wanted and so I put it in the cart and we payed for it we were there for about 12min wasn't interested in some of the stuff so we left. We meet up with my dad and my dad was going somewhere but I don't remember this place we stopped at this fancy place that said hairs salon and my dad said I can change my hair color and I said yeah. My dad said he was going to get blue hair and I was like "what" I never thought my dad would do that. I said I wanted my hair purple and pink strips. So I was sitting there for a long time and finally we left and I liked my hair i loved it. So we went back to the house and I told my dad I was going for a walk and he said go head. So there was no one in the streets I walked in the middle of the streets and lived my best life I looked at my hair it was so big purple. There was some strips of brown but that's ok . So then I decided to walk-in the side walk until I met Liza koshy and said she was walking home. Then you saw my old school and my old friend. I walked up to my friend and said "do you like my hair" and she said " omg yeah that's so cool how long have you had this hair" and I was like "since today and am just going to a walk. And I saw my other friend and I told her to come and she said "we should race over there and how ever is last has so run back" I said yeah let's do these we say my other friend and she new what we where doing so she was racing to. So I can faster and we past so many places and I was second. I told my friends that I had to go my dad is probably waiting for me. So I went home and tomorrow was the first day of school and I was excited and that was weird. So it's the beach morning and I was getting ready so I decided so wear high heels I am so stupid I new I was going to be people looking at me and yeah I was right. So I td one of the teacher we're are the classes and she told me I was in room 112. So I went to that room and we had to line up so she can check are names I was next in line. I came up to her and she said her name was Ms.William and she said what's my name and I say Destiny. Ms.William said what do my friends call me and I said tiny because des tiny and am tiny. She said that's so cute and I just found a seat. I put down my backpack and remember I put some shoes in my backpack and I looked at it and it was my sisters backpack it had some shoes and candy. I realized I had all the important stuff in there like my notebooks and books and I was going to get

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