5. Let Me Help

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Steve followed YN into the kitchen where a large spread was laid out on the table. He didn't miss the curious look Tony threw their way but YN was distracted by the newcomer sitting at the head of the table. She had never met the man but there was no mistaking Nick Fury.

All throughout dinner, YN was unfocused, following Ultron as he attempted to hack the launch codes of every missile in the world. She was following so closely she made it through a wall she hadn't been able to the last time they passed it. He wasn't counting on the missiles.

Blinding pain rang through her head, the same as the last time she faced him, letting out a cry as she fought him off to tear herself back into the real world. When she dared open her eyes, everyone was staring at her.

"He's using the cradle to build a body." She gasped, still trying to calm her breathing as the pain faded.

"What were you doing connecting to him? You could've gotten hurt," Tony scolded, rushing to her side.

"Did he know you were there?" Bruce asked, concern laced through his voice.

YN nodded sadly before dropping her head in her hands.

"Then we don't have much time," Steve said before turning to leave.

Everyone took their cue from him as YN found herself alone in the kitchen, scurrying to catch up with the rest. She found Tony near the front door with Steve laying out the gameplan. Steve was going with Clint and Nat to scout out Dr. Cho's lab while Tony headed to Nexus.

"Take me with you," she implored to Tony when he made no mention of her role.

"I don't think so, sweetheart. You are going to stay right here where you'll be safe." He replied.

She looked to Steve for help but suddenly his boots became the most enthralling things in the world.

Traitor! She thought as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Tony took hold of her biceps and looked her in the eye. "You are too important to me, it's not worth the risk."

Before she could form a reply he kissed her forehead, rendering her speechless as he fled through the door.

She was livid. How dare he? She wasn't some petulant child that needed protection. She could almost understand that he didn't want her in combat. Hell, she didn't want to be in the trenches without any skill or training but, finding Ultron through Nexus, it was one way she was strong enough to do some good. She was nearly vibrating with rage when Linda spoke softly behind her.

"He means well," she offered.

YN had to physically bite her tongue to not lash out at the undeserving woman. With a steadying breath, she turned to the brunette.

"I know it doesn't feel like it but he has your best interest at heart." She said as she offered a steaming mug to the younger woman. "Sometimes parents can be a little overprotective."

"He's been a father for less than a year," YN shook her head as she accepted the tea and took a small sip as to not burn her tongue.

"Doesn't make him any less of one," Laura said with a sad smile, gesturing for YN to follow her into the kitchen.

"Doesn't make him any less wrong, either," YN grumbled as she followed behind Laura.

"I agree," Laura said, holding her back as she lowered herself into a chair at the kitchen table.

Everyone was surprising her today, YN thought as she watched the older woman rub slow circles over her ever-growing belly.

"He should also know better. I'm aware I've just met you but I can't help but see his stubbornness reflected in you,"

At YN's incredulous look Laura laughed, "You're a Stark. Determination and obnoxious genius run in your blood."

"That may be so but even I can't hack into the Nexus database," YN argued but an idea was already forming in her mind.

"You're a smart girl, I'm sure you'll think of something," Laura patted YN's hand before climbing back out of the chair and placing an object on the table in front of her. When YN realized it was a set of keys she turned to question Laura but she had already disappeared.


She drove straight through to the compound, with a few stops to re-caffeinate, where she hoped her tech would help her get to Tony. By the time she walked up to the front door, night had fallen, giving a chill to the air. She stopped in her tracks as the door slammed behind her and she was met with three sets of eyes.

"What are they doing here?" She asked as she recognized his two young companions from Sheild's last mission report.

"They're here to help," Steve offered, seeing the recognition in her eyes. "I believe Tony is about to try and fix his mistake by making it again."

"He's here?" YN asked, momentarily forgetting about the twins.

"Yes, and he has the cradle," Steve answered.

YN gave him a curt nod and followed them into the elevator. While the trio spoke in hushed tones YN worked her way through Tony's security to find out exactly what he had planned. She was surprised to find a familiar voice once she got through.

"Welcome home boss," Friday's Irish lilt sang, prompting tears to prick the back of her eyes. "Your father and Dr. Banner could use your help."

"What are they up to?" YN asked and was rewarded with real-time access to Tony's system.

Using Ultron's creation against him sounded good in theory, but then again, so did Ultron. She was brought back into the room by a gunshot, surprised to find herself standing in Tony's lab as the quick kid fell through the glass floor.

She yelled out as Steve sent his shield flying around the room but it was too late. Tony retaliated sending everyone into motion.

Knowing how inept she was in this fight YN ducked behind a bank of equipment, hoping they wouldn't kill each other. She peaked around when the room was filled with lightening to see the demigod finishing what Tony had started.

She couldn't look away as the body emerged and immediately went after Thor, who sent him flying through the glass walls.

"You ok, kid?" Tony asked with a hand on her shoulder.

She looked at him with wide eyes, "What did you do?"

"I'm not sure" he admitted, helping her to her feet.

She followed him to join the others but was only half listening to Thor explain his reasoning for what he did. Like those people who slow down to stare at a traffic accident, she couldn't stop staring in awe and terror at what they had created. She wasn't sure if it made her feel better or worse when the thing with Jarvis's voice handed Thor his hammer as if it were nothing more than a glass of water.

"You're not leaving me behind this time," she said turning to Tony as the group set off to suit up.

"What are you going to do out there besides getting yourself killed?" he snapped at her.

"Hear me out," she implored, raising her hands in front of him but continuing before he could retort, "I think I have an idea that will make us both happy. You just have to let me in your head."


With Jarvis now upgraded to what they were calling the vision, it didn't take much to convince Tony to allow her to take his place. With access to the comms and all of Tony's readouts from the suit, she'd be able to guide them from halfway across the world.

She settled into her lab as she listened to Steve lay out the plan for the team. It was then the gravity of what was about to happen hit her. There was a real possibility that some of them wouldn't make it home. A real possibility that she would lose the one person she allowed herself to care about once again. The only thing that held her together was the calming tenor of his voice. 

"You ready, kid?" Tony asked as he flew out over the city.

"He's in the church. I think he's waiting for you," YN mussed as she picked up the large energy source at the center of the city. 

A chill ran down YN's spine as Ultron's voice rang through the room. She could do nothing but watch through Tony's eyes as he turned to face the monstrosity they had created. She turned away from the displays to focus on the readouts of Tony's surroundings as he tried his best to stall the homicidal robot.

She yelped slightly as her attention was drawn back to Tony's visual display by the sound of the ground giving way to a large metal contraption.

"You can't do that," Tony growled.

With a small apology, YN focused on the readings coming through the suit.

"Well, there's the rest of the vibranium. Still not sure what he plans to do with it though," she confessed as she ran through the data being collected.

Her attention was quickly drawn away again as multiple energy signatures emerged around the city. Her heart stopped for a moment before picking up a pace that had her worrying it would beat right out of her chest. 

"He's attacking the city," she warned, although it wasn't necessary. Everyone had already moved into position. 

She took a deep breath before she reached out to Ultron, a victorious smile creeping across her face as she watched the vision complete his mission.

"It's working. He's burning him out of the net. He won't escape through there."

Her victory was short-lived as alarm bells started sounding off in her head. The seismic activity around the city going off the charts. 

"Holy shit," she breathed, unable to believe what she was seeing. 

"YN?" Tony asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Sokovia's going for a ride," she answered solemnly.

While Ultron was busy monologuing, YN was finally able to work out what he was doing.

"The vibranium core has a magnetic field. That's what's holding that rock together."

"If it drops?" Tony asked, scared he already knew the answer.

"Right now, it will kill thousands but once it gets high enough... global extinction."

She did her best to help Tony locate stragglers and keep tabs on the rest of the team as they bounced ideas back and forth trying to find a solution.

"Wait, I think I got it. Create a heat seal. I can supercharge the spire from the bottom." Tony declared.

"Already running it," YN retorted, cringing at the numbers she was coming up with. "In theory, it will work with enough power but it'll vaporize the city and everyone on it."

She bit her nails down to the quicks in order to prevent her from any distracting commentary as Tony filled in Steve. While horrified, it didn't surprise her that they were considering staying. She didn't have much time to contemplate it though, as new energy signatures started flowing in on the south side of the flying city. She let out a grateful sob as the former director gave them the opportunity to save not only themselves but everyone stuck on the flying rock. 

"Thor!" Tony yelled as the rescue ships approached the city, "I've got a plan."

"We're out of time," the demi-god answered.

"They are trying to take the core," YN offered.

There was nothing she could do as she watched the battle from her unique vantage point. As terrified as she was for them, it didn't escape her notice the way they moved together so flawlessly, trusting the other to have their back. She was knocked out of her reverie as Tony made his way to the bottom of the core.

"Woah, power levels are way below optimal.." she tried to stall him but once again he cut her off. 

"We got everything," Tony barked, pulling a small growl from his daughter, "We only get one shot at this."

"Tony, you do this, you might not walk away," she whispered, not ready to face that possibility. 

"It'll be alright, kid," he soothed but she couldn't ignore the thinly veiled fear in his voice. 

She tried to believe him but it was difficult as she watched in horror as the city started to plummet back down. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth in an attempt to stifle her cries. A small part of her brain registered Steve calling out to her softly but she was unable to focus on anything other than Tony as he ordered Thor to bring down the hammer. Even as she watched the rock blow apart from bright white light, her heart was in her throat. She didn't dare breathe as she watched Tony spin around dodging the debris that was falling all around him. Even when he had rejoined the quinjet she knew she wouldn't be able to relax until they were all home.

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