New friends?

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*Cast has been updated for a new character in this chapter! If you want to, go check it out!*

"And then she just walked out!" They all burst out laughing. Isabella was using my relationship fails as conversation starters. This particular one, was a time when a guy at the cafe was blatantly flirting with me, and I was oblivious to it all. I literally said sorry I can't be of assistance, and left because I had to get to class.

"That's hilarious!" Jack said between laughs. As I looked around, the only person who wasn't laughing was Daniel. In fact he seemed kind of mad. A knock at the door interrupted their laugh session. Corbyn leaped out of his seat and sprinted towards the door.

"It's probably Lottie, Corbyn's girlfriend." Jonah clarifies for me. I nod.

After a little while, Corbyn and a girl with smooth brown hair and chocolate brown eyes matching her hair, walk into the living room. She has a coffee cup in her left hand, her right hand holding Corbyn's. She greets everyone before looking at me and smiling.

"Hi! I'm Lottie, you must be Issa." She says waving slightly.

"Yup, that's me! Nice to meet you. I would give you a hug, but my hands are kinda full." I said gesturing towards the sleeping Lavender in my arms.

"It's okay! I can never get over how adorable she is." She says smiling down at Lavender.

"I'll put her in her crib Issa." Gabbie says walking over to me.

"I can if you want. She might wake up if I move her too much." I suggest.

"Good idea. Her room is on the second floor, first room to the right." She smiles.

"Got it." I say getting up slowly and heading towards the stairs.

I successfully find Lavender's room and start to set her down on the mattress, causing her to start fussing. I automatically start singing the first thing that came to mind, to her to sooth her.

Say something I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere I would have followed you

Say something I'm giving up on you

*If you want to hear this song it's at the top! <3*

I sing softly until I'm sure she is asleep. Smiling down at the sleeping little girl bundled in a pink blanket, I go back downstairs.

I am greeted with everyone staring at me.

"Did I um, miss something?" I asked concerned.

"Just the fact that you didn't tell us you are a really good singer." Corbyn said.

"Oh. Um. It's nothing. How did you hear all the way down here?" I ask, trying to get the audience off me. My cheeks heating up.

No one I know really knew I could sing except Kelly and Isabella. I kept it to myself because I've always been very insecure about everything I do. You can blame it on my past, which I don't feel like talking about. But music was always an 'out' for me. Whether it was screaming lyrics into a pillow, or singing along with my guitar, it always calmed me down from having a nervous breakdown.

"I forgot to turn the monitor off when Lav woke up." Gabbie said, pointing to the monitor.

"Oh..." I say taking a seat on the couch in between Daniel and Isabella.

"So Lottie! How did you meet Corbyn?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Well, it's embarrassing actually. I had offered to dog sit my sister's german shepard puppy. I ended up losing my grip on the leash and he took off. So while I'm running to catch this crazy puppy, me being my clumsy self tripped on air and injured my ankle. Corbyn just happened to walk out of a nearby store and saw the whole thing. Long story short is that I thought he was super nice for helping me find the puppy and get back home. So when he asked to hang out again, I didn't have to think twice." Lottie said smiling.

"And, well, now we've been together for a year and a half!" Corbyn added, smiling back at Lottie.

"Aww that's adorable!" I gushed at the couple.

"I'm sorry guys, but I just got a text from my boss saying I need to go into work in half an hour." Isabella said sadly.

"I should get going too. It's getting late." I add.

"Aww, we should hang out again!" Gabbie suggests, the others agreeing with her.

"Yeah! We'd love that." Isabella said.

After exchanging numbers with the girls, Isabella and I went to the front door.

"Did you want the last of the cookies?" Corbyn asked.

"No! They were for you guys." I answered.

"Well that's a relief. Because there are no more..." Zach said, with Jack looking guilty next to him.

"You guys did not eat all the cookies! I can't believe this." Gabbie scolded the boys.

"Sorry! They were just REALLY good!" Zach said, putting his hands up in defense.

"It's okay guys." I chuckled.

"Well we should go, bye guys!" Isabella said, right before running to Zach and giving him a hug.

"Awww! I ship." Lottie said.

"Me two!"

"Me three!"

"Stop itttt." Isabella pleaded. We all laughed at her sudden embarrassment.

"Bye guys!" I said, making eye contact with Daniel before waving and walking out. I smiled as I walked with Isabella back to the car.

New friends? I think yes.

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