Chapter Nine

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Lauren's POV

I glance between my brother and my best friend, trying to figure out what's going on. I'm relieved they're finally getting along, but I didn't think they would be getting along this well! If this is what Maryland does to you, I'm booking a flight right away.
Johnny whispers something in Annie's ear, which makes her laugh. She clears her throat, after her manager shakes her head. My brother's manager frowns, which makes John's own smile disappear. The two manage to get composed before starting their duet. The melody seems wistful as it fills the auditorium.
"...If you're leaving baby let down slowly..." I bite my lip, listening to them sing. "...I hold onto little pieces of what we were..." They go back and forth, their voices complimenting one another.
"Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A sympathy I hope you can show me..." They sing in unison, Annie's voice sweet but also tinged with sadness. Johnny's voice is low and pleading, fitting perfectly with the music. They glance at each other, their eyes dark and longing.
When they finish, I clap loudly. I'm surprised when Hayden walks in the auditorium, clapping. He smiles at them, and I'm surprised when Annie returns his smile.
Johnny jumps off stage, before offering his hand to Annie. She shrugs and placed her hand in his, letting him help her down. Hayden's manager joins them a few minutes later, before the managers leave to have a meeting.
Annie's phone begins to buzz, so she leaves to answer it. Hayden and Johnny are talking, so I join them. I hear the last bit of their conversation, as they change the subject once I join them. Yeah...we're good. In fact, I kissed her when we were in....I say nothing, but on the inside I'm freaking out.
My brother kissed my best friend? What about Carson?! More importantly...why didn't they tell me?

Carson's POV

"Hey, Annie." I say, as soon as she picks up. "Hey..." She replies, sounding slightly uncomfortable. "How was Maryland?" I ask.
There's a pause, then she says, "Good. Listen, I need to talk to you. Can we meet up after my rehearsal and talk?" It's sudden and I have a sinking feeling, I won't like what she want to talk about. But, I agree. We decide to get a smoothie and talk. She softly says, "I lov-I mean, I'll see you later." With that, she hangs up.
Her phone call leaves me confused and also worried. Whatever it is she wants to talk about, she doesn't seem very happy about it. In fact, it sounds like she's dreading talking about it.
I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do Johnny. With the tour and everything, it wouldn't be surprising if something happened between them. After all, I'm not dating Annie, we're not official or anything. There's nothing holding her back. But, would she really move on that fast?


An hour later I'm sitting across from Annie, in the smoothie shop. She's absently stirring her drink, staring out the window. I clear my throat and she glances over at me. She tucks her hair behind her ear, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, I was just thinking..."
She shifts in her seat, before saying, "I should probably explain what's going on. It's complicated and I wouldn't blame you if you hate me after this." I raise my eyebrows, "Well, that's comforting."
"Look, I want to be honest with you. Johnny surprised me at the airport and apologized for, well, everything. I forgave him and we moved on. Except, that's not all that happened. He kissed me." She whispers the last part, her eyes lowered.
I sigh, "Well, I don't hate you. But, that kind of hurts." She bites her lip, "There's more, Carson." I wince, "Oh..."
She finally raises her eyes, looking me in the eye. "Johnny wants me to give him a chance. He genuinely cares for me. I said I'm willing to give him a chance, but I didn't promise him anything. I still like you, Carson. I'm just not sure if I still like you." I nod, "That's fair. As long as I still have a chance, I'm not giving up. I'll fight for us, and if in the end, you choose'll be ok. I'll be ok."
Annie looks relieved as she slowly exhales. She nods, "Thank you. That means a lot." Her phone buzzes and she glanced at me, before picking it up and reading the text. Groaning, she says, "Sorry, Lauren wants to talk. She said it's an emergency. Do you mind?"
I shake my head, "No, go ahead." She smiles, "Thank you...for everything." She squeezes my hand before leaving. I watch her go, realizing if I want to win her back, I'll have to fight for her. She and Johnny were close and now, they're going to get even closer. With the tour approaching, I might have to kiss my dreams goodbye.

Annie's POV

Lauren meets me at the front door, studying my face. I raise my eyebrow, "What's up? You said it was an-" She wordlessly grabs my wrist and drags me to her room.
Once she's closed the door, she turns to face me. "You kissed my brother?!" I wince, "He told you?" She shakes her head, "No. I overheard him telling Hayden. That's not the point, though. Why didn't you tell me?"
I run a hand through my hair, before saying, "I meant to. It's just there's a lot to think about. I'm stressed not only about the tour but about this. I just got back from a meeting with Carson. Laur, I've got to pick between two people who I love equally. So, I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away."
She sighs, "I'm sorry. It's just kind of surprising. You were so close when we were kids and now, to see you guys getting closer's a blast from the past. Trust me, I'm like the biggest Johannie shipper out there, but it's just new. I didn't think it would ever happen...again."
I laugh, "Believe me, I didn't think it would happen either. But, when he kissed me, everything changed. It felt right. I mean I grew up with John and there's things about me only he knows, because we grew up together. But, when I moved to L.A and befriended Carson, well, there's things only he knows about. John missed certain moments just like Carson missed our childhood. No matter who I pick, they're both huge parts of my life."
She smiles sympathetically, "Well, I can't give you my opinion because it's biased." I smile back, "Oh well, I'll figure it out...eventually."
We talk about it a little longer, before turning our attention over to the tour. "You ready for it? We're leaving next week." Lauren reminds me. I shake my head, "It's crazy to think about. But, yeah, I think I'm ready. I know our duet will be awesome." Lauren squeals, "You guys look and sound so good. It'll be amazing."
I shudder, "I'm so scared it'll won't be as good when we actually perform it." She shakes her head, "You'll both do great. I'm so excited you guys are actually going on tour. It's going to be legendary. I mean, John and Hayden alone would've been cool, (Teenage Fever Tour vibes) but the three of you? It's like a triple threat."
Lauren's door opens and John smiles at us, "Hey, all our friends organized a dinner to celebrate the tour kickoff." He glances at the clock, "You'll have to get ready here, Anns. Maybe Lauren can loan you something." He closes the door and leaves, heading off to probably get ready himself.
"Ok, I think it would be better if we asked Maddie. Her clothes are cuter and she'd better at giving you advice on an outfit." I nod and we head to Maddie's room. She's on her laptop, typing. She sees us and takes off her glasses, "Hey, let me guess, you need an outfit for Annie?" Lauren and I exchange a look, before nodding.
She smiles and says, "John already told me. I figured you'd need my help so I picked out an outfit, I thought you'd like." She hands me a black top, blue jeans, and a Gucci belt. She reaches into her closet and hands me a pair of Doc Martins. "Have fun you two." She squeezes my hand before returning to her work.
Lauren grins, "Thanks. Bye Mads." We head back to her room to get ready, and she flops on her bed. She runs a hand through her hair, before sighing, "Annie, I have a confession to make."
I turn and face her, holding the clothes in my arms. "Ok, what is it?" She bites her lip, holding up her pinkie, "Promise not to tell and not to be mad?" I smile, holding up my own pinkie, "Yeah sure. I pinkie promise Lolo."
Lauren nods, "Ok," She pauses and then whispers, "I think I like Hayden....and he might like me."

♥︎ 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜...𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 ♥︎
ꕥ 𝚇𝚘, 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 ꕥ

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