Chapter 1

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I get woken up by my phone ringing. C'mon man, let me sleep. I look over at the screen and it's a call from Azael. I pick up while groaning. "Azzy, what do you need? You woke me up. I had such a nice dream." I say, audibly sighing into my phone. "Good morning to you too sunshine." Azael says giggling. "It's nice weather. There's no wind at ALL and it's 70 degrees!" Azael has a very bubbly personality. It's a good thing because she's always so positive, but sometimes she just needs to calm down a little. "So?" I answer, feeling a little annoyed. "First of all, wake the fuck up. It's 1 pm. Second, I want to go longboarding. It's a perfect day for it y'know.." I twist my wrist towards my face and take a look at my watch. 1:12 PM already? I've been sleeping for 14 hours? Holyshit. "Fine. Give me some time to wake up. I'll be at your place in about 45 minutes, but I need to dress up and eat first." I say sighing. "Okay great! See you in a bit!" She says happily and hangs up. I sit up. I don't really feel like going longboarding, but.. It's good for me, I guess. I get out of bed and look in the mirror at the end of my room. I quickly fix hair with my hands. That might need a little gel, but I don't feel like making effort. I'll wear a cap or something. I move my face closer to the mirror and look at my circles which have grown darker in the past few days. I nearly immediately shut my eyes out of reflex. The sun is shining directly into my pupils through the mirror. I walk over to my window and shut my blinders a little. I turn back around and open my closet. I grab a Pink Floyd t-shirt and put it on. I grab a pair of black jeans and look into the mirror after I've put them on. This outfit looks fine. I grab my red vans and put them on my feet. I open a drawer under my closet doors and grab a cap, placing it on my head while closing the drawer. I put an airpod in my ear and listen to an album by one of my favourite bands Muse as I grab my denim jacket. I walk downstairs into the kitchen, and quickly make a sandwich. As I sit down to eat it I recieve a text message from Azael. "Ready when you are!" I leave her on read. I'm not ready yet, so why should I respond? I'll text her when I'm on my way.

After I finish my sandwich I quickly put my plate in the dishwasher. 15 minutes later I grab my Loaded Tan Tien from the hallway. "Hey Raven! I'm going longboarding, see you later!" I shout to my 14 years old sister. "Okay be safe big bro! Love you!" She shouts back. I smile. "Love you too!" I lock the front door on my way out. My parents are walking the dog so I send them a text that I won't be home 'till dinnertime. Just as I press send and click on the chat with Azael, I recieve another text message from her.

"Blaze, you're taking sooo long. Hurry up a little. You're a snail. Slowass"

I grin.
"I might be a slow ass but at least I got a fat ass. I'm on my way shorty, don't worry about it" I text back.

I smile at my phone. This girl is insane. I've known Azzy since 6th grade. When I met her she was about 4"11. She's 5"3 now, which is still really short. The first thing I noticed about her when she came my way were her turquoise eyes, which were a perfect match for her light brown hair. She came up to me smiling and shook my hand before I even realised it. She introduced herself happily and spoke to me as if we've been best friends for years. After she had a long rant about everything and nothing, she apologised for talking so much. I just smiled at her and told her it's okay. I enjoyed her little rant and just talking to her so I didn't mind. From that moment, we became and we've remained best friends. We met a few other people thanks to school, but it's a small friend group.

I arrived at Azael's house 10 minutes later. She's sitting on a small white bench in her garden which is full of pretty flowers. I wave at her and she smiles at me. "Hi!" She says excitedly. She throws her Loaded Icarus on the ground and jumps on it. While longboarding, we talked about basically everything. School, friends, you name it. It's not important enough to share though. We got something to drink at a supermarket in a town we've never been in before.

After about 2 hours we sat down for a little while with a bottle of water. "So Blaze, how are you and Amelia? Are you two still a thing?" Azzy asks me out of nowhere. I shake my head.

Amelia is a girl from our friend group. She has long blonde hair and light blue eyes. She's 16, And about 5"7. A super pretty girl. We were nearly dating a few weeks ago, but I recently ended things between us.

"No. I ended whatever we had going. I didn't really feel the spark anymore." She shrugs. "I'm sorry." She says softly. I look at her in confusion. "It's fine, I don't feel anything for her anymore. I was wrong about my feelings. I'm not the one who's hurting." She looks up to the sky. "Are you free tonight?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah, why?" She looks at me in confusion. "Maybe we could get some ice cream?" I suggest. She smiles and her eyes light up. "Hell yeah! Sounds like a plan. What time?" I look up at the sky, which I just notice is really clear. The only clouds I see are 2 small ones in the distance."8:30?" I suggest. "Fine by me. Ice cream shop The Berry. You don't have a choice! And also, it's your treat. You haven't even gotten me a birthday present yet." She says giggling. I nod. Azael turned 17 5 months ago, but I have no clue what present to give her. "That's fine by me." I say smiling at her as I stand up. I step on my board and roll a few feet further. She quickly catches up to me.

A few minutes later we arrive in town. I turn my head to look at Azael. "I'll see ya at 8:30 then. Later Azzy!" I tell her and she waves at me. We hug each other, then split ways and go home.

At the icecream shop Azael calls Blaze one more time before giving up. "It's 9:15. What's taking him so long?" She softly says to herself. She stands up from the bench outside the icecream shop. She walks over to her bicycle as she grabs her keys out of her pocket and unlocks it. She cycles to Blaze's house as fast as possible. When she arrives she quickly throws her bicycle down. She walks over to the door and knocks. After waiting for a few moments Blaze's mom answers. "Hey Mrs. Hall! Um, Blaze and I had scheduled to get ice cream 45 minutes ago, but he still hasn't shown himself. Is he still at home?" Azael asks her politely. Mrs Hall shakes her head and looks down a little. She looks back up and meets Azael's eyes. "He left a while ago. I don't know where he went though, I'm sorry. If I can help you with anything else, let me know Azzy." Azael nods. "Thank you. If you do know where he is, please let me know." ''Mrs Hall is acting vague. I can't put my finger on it. She looks so... Sad.' Azael thinks to herself. "Have a great night Azzy." Mrs Hall says as she closes the door. Azael shrugs it off and cycles home in a slow pace.

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