Team Rocket HQ

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Days later, Silver made his way to Team Rocket headquarters, after numerous temporary base searches and information gathered from threatening Grunts. He wasn't going to lose Gold, not this time. He was going to take him back as well as take down his father.

He infiltrated headquarters under the guise of a Team Rocket grunt. Despite many looks of suspicion, he got in with ease. Well, that was the first part of it. The second part was, finding Gold. And that was highly classified information. Silver wasn't the best at hacking, but he had been around Giovanni enough to know about his database. Suspicion was mostly low, so Silver was able to sneak into an empty computer room.

After finding that the coast was clear, he snuck into an empty computer room, using the pass he had stolen off another grunt. He logged onto the computer, and immediately began scanning the database for Gold's information. He relentlessly searched, not resting until he finally got a lead. Fortune struck, and he found information on him.

"Gold! Come on, which part of this place are you being held..." Silver whispered under his breath. He looked more into the database, and was eventually able to find his holding facility.

"Block 4, C7," He read out to himself. Logging off, he left the room to find the block. Little did he know, his computer activity had been monitored.

"I see you~"

Using the identification, he let himself in. But this was too easy. Far too easy. Team Rocket grunts were somewhat incompetent, but nowhere near this incompetent. Off all places, a holding facility was unguarded. The security had been lessened. This screamed shady.

"Giovanni sir, our security has been compromised." One of the grunts stated.

"Is that so? Any idea of what's causing it?" He questioned. The grunt then pulled up a holographic screen of a grunt leaving a closet. One thing that stood out in particular about this grunt was his red hair. The immediate giveaway was when he flashed his eyes for a good few seconds before holding his head down and walking off. Those eyes being a brilliant silver.

"It's him. He's back for the boy, as I expected. Is the purification process complete yet, Proton? If it isn't, we're going to have some problems."

"Not exactly, but... The drugs we gave the boy were strong enough, as it goes through his system, it'll eventually strengthen. So don't worry, I've got a score to settle with your son, so let me beat some sense into him." Proton grinned.

"Good," Giovanni replied. "However, if this plan backfires, kill Gold."


He managed to unlock the door to enter the halls. As he walked down the path, he looked at each empty cell, before hearing a soft whimper. He began to walk faster, softly saying, "Gold?"

"...Silver?" The soft voice replied back. Silver looked to the left, to see weak, almost lifeless golden eyes. He felt a sense of joy, but he was more overwhelmed with the feeling of dread and distress. Gold looked almost dead. He knew he needed help, and fast.

"Gold, it's me! Don't worry, I'll get you out of here and get you help!" Silver promised. He tried to open the cell door, but it seemed to be controlled by the panel Silver had walked past by. "I'll be right back, give me a second..."

He ran back to the panel, but now there was another problem. He didn't know how to unlock the cell. There was so much going on, he couldn't focus properly. His palms were sweaty, hands shaking, heart and mind were racing, his eyes darting from switch to switch. He was in a tight situation. One wrong move, he could be surrounded and detained.

He moved his hand towards a switch, and flicked it. Nothing happened, at least. But the cells remained locked. He flicked another switch, still nothing. Patience gone, he slammed aggressively into the control panel, until something happened. The cells unlocked.

"Silver!" Gold weakly shouted.

"Hang in there Gold, you'll be fine, I promise..."

As he walked back in, the sprinklers turned on. "Ah fuck..." However, that was the least of his problems.

"Silver, nice of you to drop in."

His blood ran cold and his face dropped. Slamming the control panel was a huge mistake. Not only did it trigger a sprinkler malfunction, he most likely alerted a security system. And he had been caught. Because right behind him, was Team Rocket executive, Proton.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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