Do What Your Team Says and No One Gets Hurt

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Two days later, I was back at The Just Cup, trying to make some progress on my book. Ben came in again to whisper to the barista. He was wearing a big baseball hat and a hoodie with the hood up over the hat. He looked more conspicuous than ever.

I saw his bodyguard outside the door.

Ben spotted me and brought his coffee cup over.

"Hey," he said, pulling out a chair.

"Hello," I said. "You look more comfortable than the last time I saw you."

He chuckled. "I am much more comfortable," he said. "Did I tell you that the costume designers made the damn thing too small?"

"Yes, but why?"

"They wanted Kylo Ren to be uncomfortable since he wasn't supposed to be fully a bad guy," Ben said, softly, leaning in to whisper. "The costumers made it easy for me to seem ill-at-ease. Maybe too easy." He leaned back. "That's the backstory that will be told when the extended DVD is released. But, really, I think they used older measurements, and by the time I had to do my scenes, I had put on weight and filled out. I built a lot of muscle for the role, then I didn't fit into the costume."

"All the juicy gossip," I said.

"Yep. But it's pure speculation on my part. Maybe they did want to make me feel uncomfortable," he said, giving me a winning grin.

"And I didn't hear you say any of that out loud, right?"

"You're catching on quick. You know, I am honestly not used to all this fame business. I've been a sidekick actor most of my career. I have had to learn how to be cautious and private." He paused and took a sip of his coffee. "I have always been a bit of a loner and a recluse. No one used to recognize me."

"Never?" I asked.

"Rarely," he said. "Now, I can't go out without a bodyguard. Usually I can't go out at all. That's why your offer was so great."

"You are welcome," I said. I paused, eying two women with phones out. I heard them whisper back and forth. "Is that him?" the one in a black coat whispered to the other.

"Shit," I said. "Fans and groupies on your six."

Ben jumped a bit and put his head lower into his coffee cup. "Mitch is outside," he muttered.

"I got you," I said. "Don't turn around, whatever you do."

I jumped up and put on my best country accent. "Hey, wow, is that the new iPhone?" I went up to the women. "How's the camera? I heard it was great."

They tried to peer around me to get a glimpse of Ben. "Excuse me, were you sitting with him?"

"Who?" I said. I turned around quickly and turned back to them. "You mean him?"

"That's Ben Solo," the one in the black coat said in a stage-whisper.

I turned around again and looked at Ben's hunched shoulders. "It is? No, no. That's my husband Bill. We're from upcountry." I turned back to the women. "Don't mind him. Got a bit of a hangover." I paused, pretending to consider. "Well, all right, from the back he does kind of resemble Ben Solo. I'm a lucky gal, huh?" I poked at them with my elbow. "He's pretty good in the bedroom, if you know what I mean." I winked. "Don't think Ben Solo could beat him."

The ladies exchanged glances.

"He owns a tire shop up in Preston. If you get up there, ask for Bill's Wolverine Tires. He'll fix you right up."

They seemed disappointed. "I guess it's too much to ask to see someone like Ben Solo in the wild, huh?" Black Coat said.

"Well, if you do, it's not going to be around here. Matt Damon lives here, but not Ben Solo," I said.

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