-Chapter 2-

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 It had been hours since your last shift ended, and you had 2 hours left until your 2nd week 2nd night shift, with Vincent. Although, the purple toned man was perverted, you somehow got along with the man, even if he flirted with you. On the other hand, Mike had added you into a group chat with the other guards after you exchanged numbers that morning, and currently you were messaging them.

You: Mike, don't worry


 FRitzCrackers: I don't understand
why is mike out of every1 worried?
they havent ever talked

 Mr.RingRing: It's actually a long story, I don't know all of it myself, but Mike hadn't realized what (Y/N) realized on the first day until this morning. I personally realized it when I met her that they knew each other. They had a reunion this morning that I walked into.
TL;DR: They're friends.

 You: How did you know that, Scott?

 Mr.RingRing: I'm observant.

 Softboi: Wait really?

 Number1badass: (Y/N) was crying into my shirt for 20 minutes this morning.

 Toastloafer: and you let them cry?

 Mr.RingRing: Yeah, they were crying when I got there.

 You: He did comfort me, but I was happy.
I hadn't hugged my best friend in 14 years.
Tbh, I had no idea if he was dead or not until last week.

FRitzCrackers: was mike smiling tho?

Mr.RingRing: He was when I got there.

Toastloafer: HOLY SHIT-

Softboi: It's nice that he smiled for once.

Number1badass: I SMILE!

Mr.RingRing: Last time I saw you smile was when you got a raise.

 You: Aw man, I gotta get ready for work.
Later, everyone

 Softboi: Bye, (Y/N)

 FRitzCrackers: TTYL

 Toastloafer: I'll see you there, sweetheart.

 Number1badass: I hit Freddy with a crowbar and i'm not afraid to hit you with one if you dare touch them.

You laughed at the last text as you stood up, getting your clean uniform from your dryer.


 As you pulled into the parking lot of Freddy's you saw Vincent's dark colored car, you smiled as he kept his word. Walking into the building it hit you that you'd have to see Foxy again tonight, after Mike's incident you were both afraid of Foxy and mad at him. You stood staring at the toy animatronics, specifically Bonnie. Bonnie had always been an interesting character to you, cheerfully playing his guitar as he walked around the restaurant, his blue fur somewhat clean, Bonnie always had a smile, and you really liked him. Sadly, all good things come to an end; the poor bunny animatronic now faceless, his smile gone, still, the bunny was your favorite. You were pulled away from your train of thought by Vincent tapping you on the shoulder.

 "Hey, everything alright, Sweetheart?" The man asked.

 "Oh, yeah, i'm okay." You sighed, then spoke again, "Let's just get to the office."

The night had started after the two of you entered the office, and a few hours passed with little problem, until the two of you were hadn't checked the hallway for a few moments, and you heard the heavier metal feet in the hallway. You immediately knew it was Foxy, panicking, as Vincent was pre-occupied on the camera's to notice. You looked all around for the flashlight, then you saw it; Vincent had the flashlight in his hand.

 "Vincent." You squeaked.

 He looked to you, "Yes, Sweetheart~?" he purred.

 You looked at the pitch black hallway then back to the man a few times, fully in panic mode, unable to ask for the flashlight. Until you heard Foxy growing closer, that's when you looked at Vincent begging for the flashlight.

 "Scared, are you~?" He asked, in a taunting manner.

 You nodded, then you realized he wasn't going to give you the flashlight, so you snatched it from his hand. Holding it up in the direction of the ever-nearing animatronic Fox, you realized it was jumping towards Vincent, whom of which was still looking at you in shock.

 "Vincent! Foxy!" You screamed, in the direction of the purple man. The man jumped out of the way, and the animatronic looked in the two of you's direction. Your eyebrows furrowed at the fox, you weren't going to stand by as another one of your friends got hurt by him. You threw the flashlight at Foxy, which made the animatronic look at you, a new dent in his head. The robotic fox approached you and you picked up the chair, that had rolled in your direction when Vincent leapt from it, and swung it at the fox. Foxy retreated after being hit with the chair, and the 6am bell rang. You dropped to your knees, staring at the ground.

 "Holy shit, Sweetheart, you just hit Foxy with a chair." Vincent spoke, still shocked at what had just unfolded in front of him.

 You just sat there, hands clasped over your mouth as tears rolled down your face. There was silence as the two of you were processing what happened. Vincent looked down the hallway seeing Mike approaching, and quickly at that. Seeing the condition of the office, and you on the floor, he bee-lined to you.

 Mike crouched to your level, "Hey, Doll, what's wrong?" he asked, in a worried manner, glaring at Vincent who was standing there, now noticing how shaken up you were.

 "I... I hit Foxy with a chair." you mumbled, your eyes now focused on your best friend.

 Mike looked at you dumbfounded, "Doll, you... you hit him with the chair?"

 you nodded, then hugged him, "I didn't want to stand by and watch him hurt another one of my friends, b-" You sobbed, Mike hugging you tighter.

 "Doll, that wasn't your fault, and I doubt it was this time." Mike spoke, looking to Vincent.

 "I'll drive them home." Vincent offered.

 "Fine, just don't trying anything." Mike said, letting go of you.

 You wiped your tears, as Vincent approached you. "C'mon, Sweetheart." He said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you out of the building.

-End of Chapter 2-

I loved writing this chapter, especially the texting part(Specifically Scott saying "TL;DR"), and I hope that i'm not putting Mike in too much. He's an important character, having already previously establishing a strong connection with the main character. I hope that this wasn't too rushed, but i'll eventually show (Y/N)'s and Mike's backstory.
Thank you for reading, Derpy out.

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