Chapter 1

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Izuku's quirk was cool to him. Branch of Sin: Crow Claw is what he decided to name it. It allows him to freely control his blood out of his body. He trains his body, accuracy, mind and quirk almost all day. He had a mature mindset even as a kid. When Izuku was 15 he had a physique that could only be described as god-like. He sports two rings on his thumbs that have blades on them to cut his forearms. He developed a technique he calls invisible black when he was 15. This is a cutting technique he uses to create a large scythe-like blade at the top of his right hand, instead of his usual forearms. He uses one hand to tear the veins on top of his other and draws his blade to perform this technique. When he draws the blade to its limit, he detaches it from his hand and forms a hook at its point. He then slices the target to pieces at the speed of sound. His quirk evolved when he was 16 and has made it so he developed the ability to evolve his Crow Claw. The blades appear inverted at the front and back of his palms instead of his forearms and they're also larger. With the Crow Claw in its evolved state, two differing black markings appear on his body. These markings appear as curved lines that divaricate along the way from both of his arms up to his left side of the face. 

Izuku was currently standing outside of UA's gate ready to enter. "This is going to be fun," Izuku says to himself as he walks into the auditorium. Present mic had begun his speech and Izuku decided to ignore it because he doesn't care. He already knows what he was saying, he read the leaflet. "And you! If you think this is a game then leave!" Yells a young man (They are 18 after all,) with blue hair. "Fuck off," Izuku states simply. Before the other guy could retort present mic told him to sit down and explained what he asked. 

Izuku can be seen looking at the fake city with boredom. He decides to get ready to fight so he cuts his forearms causing blood to spill. "Your arms are bleeding!" Yells one of the people. "So?" Izuku asks activating his quirk. Soon the signal sent off and Izuku dashed in at neck break speeds. "I just hit you Dead Center!" Izuku yells as he shoots his blade out piercing the robot and destroying it with ease. "3 points!" Izuku yells dashing at the others. "Invisible Black!" Izuku yells. To most, it looked as though the robot got sliced by thin air but to those with sharp reflexes, they could see the blur of red. "Hahaha! Come at me you fuckers! I'll fuck you all up!" Izuku yells with a crazed laugh destroying villains left and right.

The teachers looked at the monitors. "With this test, we get to see how they would fight. Some use their speed," A bear thing said as it shows a monitor with the blue-haired boy. "Some use their awareness to find villains," The bear thing says as the monitor changes to a guy with multi arms. "Some just use brute strength," He says as it shows a monitor of an ash blonde-haired guy blowing up robots. "Then there are those who are able to utilise all, making them the perfect weapon," When he says this the monitor swaps to Izuku destroying villains with a crazed look and laugh. "I want him in my class. He may seem crazed but I can see his potential," A very tired looking teacher says. "Let's see how they react to this," The bear thing says again slamming down on a red button. 

Izuku had just collected his 152nd point when the ground rumbled. Izuku clicked his tongue in annoyance. He went over to investigate and saw a massive robot. "May as well leave," Izuku says turning around ready to leave until he heard someone scream for help. Izuku turned around to see who wanted help and that's when his emerald eyes locked onto a girl with chestnut-coloured hair. "You need a hand?" Izuku says with his hands in his pockets. He deactivated his quirk while walking to the commotion. "Y-yeah, my foot is broken," The girl states. "I'm Izuku... Tell me your name after this," Izuku says as he slices his arms open making some blood spill on her face. "I'm going to fuck you up!" Izuku yells to the big robot as he uses Invisible Black. The head of the 0-pointer slid off and crashed right next to Izuku. Izuku used his Crow Claw to topple the fucker backwards. "I hit the fucker Dead Center! Hahaha!" Izuku laughs with a hint of insanity. "Now, back to you. What's your name?" Izuku asks lifting up the massive rock with one hand. "I'm Ochako Uraraka," Uraraka states as she crawls away from the boulder. "Why the fuck were you so close to the overgrown piece of shit?" Izuku asks pointing to the 0-pointer. "I helped a guy out of the rock but he ran off," She states. "Tell you what. I'm in a good mood today, point them out and I'll bring you their head," Izuku states being dead serious. "I wouldn't want them killed. If I did I wouldn't have helped him," She states in shock. "Hahaha! You are one weird woman, you know that?" Izuku states while cackling. "You are one crazy hero," She retorts making him cackle harder. "You must have some big balls to say that to me!" Izuku shouts while laughing. "I'm a girl, so I'd say my balls are non-existent," She replies only making him laugh harder. 

Izuku had taken her to recovery girl after that. Izuku was cackling at the idea of having people like that in his class. This is the reason why he could be seen standing in front of Present Mic. "Listen here, I don't care if Ochako Uraraka doesn't have enough points to get in. I'll give her some!" Izuku yelled. "How many points out of your 212 points do you want to give to her?" Present Mic asks. "60, I couldn't care for points but she has balls! Not many people would openly call me crazy!" Izuku yells cackling. "Okay, we see. We will be seeing you two at UA soon," Present Mic states. 

Izuku can be seen standing in front of UA gates in their unform with his thumb rings on in case he needs to use his quirk. Upon entering his class he was met with yelling. "Oi! You two fuckers best stop yelling!" Izuku shouts despite yelling himself. "What did you call me!" Yells the ash-blonde. "My bad, your hearing must be fading. I called you a fucker!" Izuku yells approaching him. Soon both of them slammed their heads into one another like rivals in anime would do. "The names' Katsuki Bakugo," Bakugo states in front of him. "The names' Izuku," Izuku responds back and they both retract their heads. Only to slam it into each other instantly. "What's your quirk?" Izuku asks Bakugo. "Explosions," He says showing off his quirk. "And what is yours?" He asks. When Izuku rolled up his sleeve Bakugo was expecting many things. Fire, transformation, ice and much more but he was not prepared to see Izuku slice his arm open. "You crazy motherfucker!" Bakugo yells at the sight of blood only to look slightly intrigued when his blood formed into something akin to a scythe. "That's quite cool," Bakugo states at the sight. "Yeah, it hurts a lot though," Izuku states simply as he deactivates his quirk causing some blood to spill on the floor. "I'm Tenya Iida! I'd like it if you didn't bloody the floor!" Iida yells making Izuku laugh while rolling his sleeves down. "I recognise that green hair. You're Midoriya!" Uraraka yells from behind him. "It's Rainbow vomit!" Izuku yells with a smile. "Look it's "I want to spill my blood on everyone,"," Uruarka retorts. "This is why I gave you points," Izuku states. "You clearly did it because you like my looks," Urarka responds sarcastically. "Haha, you wish you were my type! You are probably Bakugo's type though," Izuku states while laughing. 

Izuku could be seen in the locker room getting changed. "Whoa! Those scars are manly!" Yells someone behind Izuku. "Thanks, got them from fights!" Izuku shouts back. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima," Kirishima states. "Izuku," Izuku says back. Kirishima had the sudden urge to harden his body which he did only to feel something sharp come in contact with his hardened skin. "Oh! Sorry about that, I forgot I had this on," Izuku says pointing to his ring. "No problem, your quirk is quite interesting," Kirishima states. "So is yours," Izuku responds getting dressed and walking out.

Izuku did quite good in his fitness tests. He couldn't use his quirk on many tests. "Does all of my body have to cross the line or just some of my blood?" Izuku asks. "Just your blood," Aizawa says kinda curious. Izuku slit his arms open and used Invisible Black to do the 50-meter sprint in 0.47 seconds. "Thank you," Izuku states walking back deactivating his quirk. The ball throw was the only one after that where he was able to use his quirk. He ended up getting 1.5km while Bakugo got 1.2km. Izuku placed third. He didn't care about that though. The two recommended students got the top two spots. Both being girls as well. "I guess they are recommended for a reason," Izuku states with slight annoyance. After that, they were introduced to their dorms and were told to get their rooms set up. 

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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