Season 1, Episode 2: Girl Meets Philia

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"So, are you going to go over and talk to him?" Dawn asked from beside [Y/N].

"What do you mean?" [Y/N] turned to her.

"You've been texting Marcus Schlange for the past week since he came back from Europe and became 'cute.'" Dawn explained as she put air quotes around cute.

"Just because I may or may not have a crush on Marcus Schlange does not mean I have enough confidence to go and talk to him." [Y/N] said before she screamed out, "I JUST TEXTED THAT TO HIM AND HE SENT ME A HEART AND THUMBS UP! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! MY WORLD IS OVER-!"

Sara had smacked the back of her head. "Sorry you have that much of a weird relationship with your phone that you scream at it, but some of us don't have the priviledge of having a smartphone or a phone at all."

"What is her problem?" asked Nicky who was also staring at the phone in his hands.

"Yeah, is she having some weird mid-middle school crisis or something?" asked Dicky (also looking at his phone).

"Do all of you not know how to communicate while making eye contact?" Sara asked.

They didn't answer her before she felt a vibrate in her pocket. She pulled out her track phone and saw the same messages that everyone gave her. Yes. "Y'all are a bunch of idiotic dunderheads with no way how to communicate without screens. Hopefully, you'll change your tune in history."

And they all marched into [L/N]'s classroom. He wasn't writing on the board like usual, but the board held PROGRESS written in big bold letters. Instead, he was writing something down in a planner while looking at the calendar on his desk. Today would be one of those days. One of those days where [Y/N] didn't like to be the daughter of a middle school teacher. Her phone beeped and she looked up to see a text from Nicky.

What's up with your dad? Another text appeared on top of the screen. [Y/N] just shrugged and sent an IDK from her phone.


[Mother] was busy dealing with her youngest kid who had been sent home once again for reckless behavior. Yes, a fight. [Brother] had gotten into another one and he had been suspended from school for three days. [Mother] sighed to herself as she pulled into the house and the boy ran inside tossing the bag onto the ground. The principal had once again asked for a specific course of action for the boy: child therapy.

But [Mother] had always been against it seeing as the boy was still under the age of eight. But that didn't stop her from looking at the card the guidance counselor had given her. The name on the card was someone she knew. Someone she hadn't talked to in years. Not since high school in Westport, Conneticut. And she didn't wang fo go back down that road she's work so hard in abandoning. But then she did the last thing she thought she would do. And she dialed the number of the child psychologist.


"The Industrial Revolution. A shift from agriculture and crops to factories and-. What are you doing on your phone?" [Father] directed hus question towards his daughter who was scrolling through instagram. A beep was heard from his phone. "'Looking through my instagran feed.' Really? You couldn't just tell me that?" A beep followed. "'Yes.' Okay, okay. This has to stop. You all need to pay attention."

A loud slap of a ruler hitting a desk radiated through the room. The only evidence of who did it was a broken ruler in Sara's hand. Pretty red handed if you ask me. "Can we all please learn something without interruptions?!" Sara blinked. "Where the fuck did that come from?"

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