I know who

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{todoroki's pov}

Y..you want my number. Normally I would give it to you without hesitation but the thing was, you already had my number. You had my number but you didn't know it. You see, I was the one who has been texting you.

I take a deep breathe because what I was about to say would hurt me but it had to be done. "No thank you."

{y/n's pov}

Um, what. Did he just say no thank you? I mean, that's one way of saying no. Why would he say no though. Did I do something wrong? "O.. okay then." I say then slowly walk away. That couldn't have gotten more awkward.

The bell rang and so I went to my class and sat in my seat. The seat in front of me was empty which saddened me. Mr. Aizawa came in and gave us all a reassuring speech about my missing friend. All of a sudden I felt a gaze on me. The same gaze I felt in my dream. A shiver went down my spine and I look around the room. No one was looking at me. I decided to ignore it for now.

Could it be possible for the person giving me these stares be the same person giving me the creepy messages. I kind of hope so considering that if it wasn't then I would have two stalkers. Is it possible for my stalker to be one of these students? I don't even have a guess on who it could be but I need to start investigating everyone.

Once I'm snapped out of my gaze I realize that I had just ignored half of the speech. Apparently we were all going to help search for midoriya after school. Usually we'd hear the angry boy by now but bakugou surprisingly stayed silent. I don't know if he was sad or guilty or even if he felt any kind of emotion toward the missing boy but he wasn't speaking.

My mind was everywhere but the lunch bell rang which was music to my ears. I got up and walked to the cafeteria. Boy was I starving. I get my food and instead of sitting with uraraka and Iida like I would usually I sat with someone else. The half and half boy I know as shoto.

He was sitting alone and he looked taken aback when I sat beside him. "I..I'm sorry for running into you the other day." I say, thinking that was maybe why he didn't want my number. He looked at me, bored, and said, "you've said sorry already and I forgave you." He took a bite of his food, "well, why else would you be mad at me?" I asked. He looked at me for awhile. He looked as if he was trying to read my mind. Well I've confirmed it. He didn't have a mind reading quirk.

After a minute he finally said something, "why would you think I'm mad at you?" This took me by shock. Was he not mad at me? "Y..you didn't want my number." I say. If you looked very closely at the half and half boy you could see a light coat of pink on his cheeks, "I'm not mad at you, it's just personal reasons that I'd rather not get into." (Author's note: He's lying but I think you kind of figured). "O ..oh, I'm so sorry." I say, hoping he'll forgive my ignorance. "It's fine." Is all he says. It's been a few minutes of silence so I decided to say something, "H..hey todo.." he looked at me in the eyes, "todo?" He ask. "Oh my gosh, I..I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.." "I like it." He says while cutting me off. At this point my cheeks were rosy red. I give him a cute smile while closing my eyes. "A..anyways, do you maybe wanna hang out this weekend?"

{todoroki's pov}

Did I hear that correctly? Y/n wants to take ME out? Will she finally be mine once and for all. Without any pests in our way. "Of course!" Dang it. I probably said that way too loud and way too quickly. She chuckled and gave me a huge smile. S..so cute!! She must be over midoriya already!! That was quick.

{y/n's pov}{time skip, after school}

We were all in the woods outside of Musutafu, looking for our missing friend. We were all told to stay in groups of five. My group contained me, Iida, Uraraka, tsu, and mineta. The second group contained of bakugou, Kirishima, denki, Mina, and sero. In the third group was Momo, jirou, tooru, todoroki, and tokoyami. The last group was satou, kouda, ojiro, Aoyama, and shouji.

I was kind of upset that mineta was in my group but that was because no one wanted him so Aizawa forced us to have him in our group.
We were all calling out Midoriya's name and like I suspected, there was no response. All teachers from UA were with us and even some cops and parents. All Might stood by midoriya's mom the whole time. They both looked extremely exhausted and devastated. I felt sorry for the both of them. It was obvious that midoriya had some kind of connection with All Might, everyone could see it. Maybe Midoriya was All Might's secret love child or something. I don't know.

After about two hours we all took a break. We sat on the ground and chugged our waters. Mineta sat in between me and tsu. Out of no where he put one hand on my breast and the other on tsu's breast. I screamed and punched the little guy. Tsu looked at me with her fist in the air. She was about to punch the grape but I beat her to it. "Good job, rubbit." I smiled at her then looked at the small kid. His nose was bleeding.

At this point everyone was looking at us. I helped the grape boy up. I said sorry about a hundred times but I didn't mean any of it. I just didn't want to get in trouble by one of the teachers. Aizawa came over to us and asked what happened. I froze, not knowing what to say. "Mineta touched our breasts so y/n punched him, ribbit. She was so cool!!" Tsu said. Aizawa kept silent for awhile than said, "what happens after school isn't my problem." And then he walked away. I swear, we had the best teacher.

{todoroki's pov}{time tewind}

I hear a scream. I knew who's it was immediately.  It was my precious bunny. I look at her and a tiny hand was on my woman's breast. I look over to see that mineta was holding it. I was about o get up and beat the shit out of him but in a blink of an eye he was down. My y/n had punched him so hard his nose was bleeding. That's my girl!!

Aizawa had gone up to her but they were too far to hear. Tsu started talking. Soon Aizawa had walked away and than there was a smile on my girl's face. Things must've went down good. Well, I guess I have to put mineta on my list to kill. It'll be fun beating the daylights out of him. Don't worry my bunny, I'll always be here for you. I'll always protect you. I'll do things that nobody else has the courage to do. I do it because I love you. And now I think you actually like me too because you did just ask me out on a date. Maybe I don't have to force you to be mine. Maybe you'll be willing to be mine.

{y/n's pov}

After we were all rested and mineta's nose stopped bleeding we all got up and continued our search. We searched for about two more hours. By the time we were finished it was dark. The teachers offered to take everyone out to eat and and pay for the whole meal. I lost my appetite after not finding my missing friend but ya know, food is food and it's even better when it's free so I went anyways.

We went to a pizza joint and the teachers ordered 10 large pizzas. We each got two and I ate my pizza in little nibbles. We were forced to sit with our groups. I stayed quiet while the other four were talking to each other. I was sitting beside a window and on the other side of me was uraraka. I knew who kidnapped my friend. I knew who. It was so obvious but yet I didn't want to believe it. I knew who my stalker was. I knew who was texting me. I knew who was watching me. They were all the same person but yet, I needed evidence and I knew just how to get it. I know how to reveal this messed up psychopath.

"Until you're mine" yandere todoroki x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now