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{todoroki's pov}

My poor bunny. You rolled off the bed and the impact on your legs must've been terrible. I can't help but to feel horrible. You're little body slowly crawled over to the bathroom. It broke my heart seeing you like this. I run to your room and try to open the bathroom door. Locked. I knock lightly but you didn't respond.

I bang louder, getting worried. Still there was silence on the other end. Kouki had walked in by now. "Y/n?" I called out but still silence on the other end. "Y/n, if you don't answer me then I'm gonna have break down the door," I waited for an answer but never got one. "You've been warned," I call out as I start busting down the door.

Soon enough the door bursted open. I almost fainted. Tears streamed from my eyes. I run over to your bloody body. "Y/n?" I put my hands on your shoulders. No response. I start shaking you violently. "Y/n, please wake up," I cried out. "Please don't leave me. Please wake up. I can't live without you." I yell at you while shaking you. I started sobbing and gasping for air. Before I knew it I stared hyperventilating.

My body grew weak. I hug you and whisper, "why would you do this? Why? I can't live without you. I need you y/n. Bunny." I gasp for air.

{kouki's pov}

Once the door open my body froze. You were there, covered in blood. You had the knife I had given you in your hand. It was all my fault. Tears streamed down my face. Todoroki's yelling didn't help. Lamb, you promised me. You promised that you wouldn't leave me. Why'd you lie to me. I can't go on without you. I didn't know I needed you until I saw you. I need you little lamb.

I quickly dry my tears and clear my throat. I needed to think rationally if I wanted to save you. I pull todoroki off of you. He started screaming and kicking like a child. I Check your pulse. I sigh in relief. It was there but very faintly. I pick you up and put you on the bed. Todoroki followed close behind me. I get the first aid kit and start cleaning your wounds. I slowly start stitching your deep cuts.

A minutes had passed. I just finished sewing you up. I wrap your arms in bandages. I sigh once I'm finished. "Done," I say gently, acting like my usual self. If todoroki found out I had feelings for his "bunny" then I'd be done for.

"I want you to use your quirk on her," todoroki said quietly. I look back at him. "I don't use my quirk, remember," I say while smiling at him. He looked at me. "I don't care! I want to know why she would do that to herself!" Todoroki got up from his seat and yelled at me. I sigh. I didn't want to use my quirk, I disowned it. "Kouki, it's an order!" Todoroki says with fury in his eyes.

"I can't," I say while scratching my arm and avoiding eye contact. Todoroki glared at me. "Fine, you can either use your quirk or I'll ask how she got the knife," he said. My face grew pale. I sigh and look down, "I'll use my quirk," I say quietly. "Good," todoroki spat out. I turned to you and grabbed your hand. Forgive me y/n.

Kouki's quirk: mind reading
If he touches a person he can see their past thoughts, present thoughts, and future thoughts. Past thoughts and future thoughts take a lot more out of him then present thoughts. He can also let people see thoughts that he thought of at some point. If he goes past his limit then he gets a massive migraine. The downfall of his quirk is he feels the emotions you were going through at the time.

I go through your thoughts until I find the one of you attempting to commit suicide. Todoroki's words went through your mind. Tears streamed from my eyes. He's the one that caused you to this, I hope he feels like shit.

Temptation washed over me. I wanted to know how you felt about me. Just a glance wouldn't hurt anything. No Kouki! I will not stoop so low. I have to stop acting like this around you. Todoroki is definitely catching onto something. I'm being to too obvious. Soon he'll find out how I feel about you and I'll be down in the basement instead of bakugou. I have to let you go. It'll be hard but it's the right thing to do.

I returned to reality and looked over at todoroki. He stared at me with such intensity. "Well?" He asked. I sigh and say, "she did it cause you keep killing people. She thought if she killed herself then no one else would have to die." Todoroki's face covered in guilt. He looked at you as tears fell from his eyes.

"How can I fix this?" He asked while looking up to me. I took your words is consideration. "How about you don't kill bakugou and find her cat." I say calmly. He looked deep in thought. He sighs. "I can't do that," he said. "I have to kill bakugou, it's the only way to keep her safe," he said while dropping his head. "Damn, she's gonna hate me." She already hates you but I decide to keep that to myself.

If I'm not careful I'm going to get killed. I have to burry my feelings. I wanted to stay by your side but I was afraid that'd be pushing it. Todoroki already didn't like our bond. I just have to act like taking care of you is a chore.

{y/n's pov}

My eyes flutter open. I look around the room to see todoroki sitting in a chair beside the bed. He seemed like he was sleeping.

My head hurt and my throat was dry. I went to rub my temples but my arms started to hurt once I moved them. I look at them. Bandages? H..how did that get there. Everything seemed like it was spinning. What happened?

It all hit me. I tried to commit suicide. I thought I died though. I wince at the pain in my arms and head. Todoroki woke up because of the small noise I had made. "Y/n!" He chimed happily the hugged me. He whispers in my ear, "I thought I lost you." I look at him in disbelief. "You're not mad?" I ask while holding back tears. He forced out a chuckle and sadly said, "of course not bunny." I tense up.

Tears streamed down my face. He got up from his chair and sit on the bed. He hugged me and whispered sweet nothings, "shhhhh, it's going to be okay." His voice was soft and gentle. I didn't know whether to feel safe or still be on edge.

I then felt something wet on the bed. It smelled like urine. I let out a little shriek. "Did I pee in my pants?" I ask as my eyes widen. "Shhhh, it's okay bunny, it's not anything to be ashamed of." Nothing to be ashamed of? I peed in my pant to many times here. It's something to be very ashamed of. Tears rolled down my face.

"Why do you call me bunny," I sniffed. "Bunnies are small, weak and scared." I sob. "That's what I am, a pathetic bunny." I cry into todoroki's chest. He rocked me and rubbed my head. "I don't call you bunny because I think your  small, weak and scared, and you're definitely not pathetic," he chimed. I sniffle and he continues. "Bunnies are more then that. They're intelligent, beautiful, fast witted, adorable, kind hearted, caring..." he went on and on.

I snuggled into his chest. "R..really?" I ask in between sobs. He smiled sweetly at me. "I don't have any reason to lie," he chirped out. I lift my head up to look into his heterochromia eyes.

My body trembled and I had a strong feeling I'd be curled up in a ball if my legs weren't broken. Todoroki sighed. "Listen, I'm willing to make a compromise," he said with such delicacy. My brows furrowed. "I'm willing to get your cat back but I'm going to have to kill bakugou." He stated. I now knew what he was talking about.

I didn't want that so I decided to compromise a little. "Bakugou's alive?" I ask while faking confusion. Of course I already knew that because of Kouki. Todoroki's face went pale. "Well then how about vise versa?" I ask while lifting a brow. He looked at me and shook his head no. I sighed and said, "then how about you get my cat, fix my legs, aaaaaand let bakugou live," I say with a smile.

Todoroki scoffed. "I'm not doing all three. "How about I get you're cat and fix your legs." I put my hand on my chin. "I don't like it. How about you let bakugou live and you fix my legs?" I ask with a sense of pride. Todoroki sighed, "I'll just let bakugou live," he looked at me while raising his brows. I lean back and think. I giggle and put my hand out for him to shake, "deal," I say with a huge smile. Todoroki chuckled and avoided eye contact. He sighed and shook my hand, "deal"

"Until you're mine" yandere todoroki x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now