What did you do?

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We both brushed our teeth and got into our beds. We had separate rooms but they were across from each other so we could see the other if the doors were open. Our mother tucked Ellie in first and then me. She went to the middle of our two rooms.

"Goodnight you two. Sweet dreams. I love you guys so much." My mom said to us.

I closed my eyes and started to drift back to reality. This drug she gave me must be really strong, it was as if I was back then. Back when things were good. Back when things were normal. I struggled in my restraints. I just needed to get my hands out and maybe I have a chance of escape from this deep dark hole that she put me in. There was barely anything in the room that I was locked in. I knew she would do something like this to me. It was just a matter of time. I looked around for something to cut the ropes that bound my hands and legs, there was even one on my abdomen. That one would pose another obstacle for me. There was a small table with some medical supplies. There was a small knife on it. I grabbed it but then I heard a noise like someone was coming.

"Oh, you're awake. That's good. Did you like your little dream? If you don't mind what did you dream about?" The person asked from the shadows.

"I know who you are and you don't have to hide from me anymore. You are not getting what you want from me. Okay. So just kill me already!"

"Oh Ollie why would I do that. Torturing you is so much better. Soon you will give me the code and I will let you go."

"Ellie, please. What would mother think of this?"

"I don't know. She isn't, how should I put this? Among the living. I saw to it myself after she didn't give me the code. You are the only one that has it so I will make this as slow and painful as I can. You will tell me the code or you will stay down here drowning in your memories for as long as it takes."

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" I yelled.

She walked up to me with a needle in her hand. She grabbed the I.V that was in my arm and pushed the liquid into it. She checked my restraints and looked at my hands.

"I'll be taking this." She said as she grabbed the knife that I had in my hand.

I tried to fight it but this drug concoction was too strong. I didn't want to go back and see her as she used to be. I didn't want to see her with my mother as that little innocent girl that I knew before. That accident did more than anyone thought. She became someone different, someone, that I couldn't even recognize anymore. She isn't my sister anymore. She is someone else. My little sister couldn't have done all these things to me and my mom. Why is she even doing this? She knows I won't give her the code to the bunker. If she did she could start a war that could destroy every living thing on the planet.

"Ellie why?"

"Because I can big brother," Ellie said with evil in her eyes.

"Please," I said weakly as my eyes closed.

"Ollie, Ollie. Wake up mom made breakfast. Can't you smell it?"

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