Chapter 7 - I Figure Things Out

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I wake up feeling drowsy as though I just woke up after a rough night of sleep. As I start to stand the crowd kids start to cheer my name and a name I only hear people call me in my dreams "Bailey, Geo, Bailey, Geo.". When they put me down and ask how I managed to change forms into Geo I looked at them confused and asked where Scorpio was. The first person to speak was Owen "What do you mean? You just defeated Scorpio when you changed into the dude called Geo." and after he finished Nicholas continued "During the fight, you were like punching Scorpio really hard in the stomach like BOOM... POOW and then you shot him with a Kamehameha!". People swarming around me telling me what I so-called did.

Once everyone left me alone I quickly grabbed my best friends "Hey guys I don't remember doing any of this..." I said sort of embarrassed. After I said that they all seemed completely stunned. "You don't remember transforming into Geo," Sebastian asked. Then it hit me harder then Scorpio did... Geo, transforming, all this stuff people said... this was all linked to dreams I had before.

"Wait you're telling me, I transformed into Geo The Sayian, is that what you're saying," I said starting to figure it all out. "Guys I didn't just get powers... I have my DreamBoy powers!" I said in a huge bundle of joy, but my friends really confused. "DreamBoy powers, who's DreamBoy?" Reuben asked questionably. "DreamBoy..." I answered, "DreamBoy is me as a superhero that has many forms, for example, Geo The Sayian.". Now I'm really happy, not only did I get powers, but I also got my Dream Powers and I also defeated my first Supervillain.

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