First Day [Kuroko Tetsuya X Reader]

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"Sorry. Are you alright?" I bumped into someone again. It's the blue haired guy.

"I'm okay, how about you?" He asked with a blank face.

"I'm fine." I smiled sheepishly.

"What?! You noticed Kuroko?!?!" The red haired man beside him exclaimed.

"What??" I asked him in curiosity.

"Umm.. Usually, few, I mean very few people noticed Kuroko." He explained. I wonder why people did not notice him. Look at his gorgeous blue hair.

"Really? I don't think so. Isn't he normal to notice??" I asked the red head.

"Umm... Then, the problem is with you then." He scratched his head.

"Eh??" I cocked my head aside in daze. The blue haired, I supposed his name is Kuroko, tapped my shoulder.

"Don't mind him. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. What's your name??" He asked.

"I'm (L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you, Kuroko-kun." I smiled shyly at him. He smiled back.

"Then, see you later, (L/N)-san." And then he leave with the red haired guy.


I walked in my new highschool, Seirin High. What club should I join??

"(L/N)-san, what are you doing??" I looked at the source of the voice.

"Kuroko-kun? I'm just finding which club should I join. Is there a female basketball club?" I asked him.

"There's only male team. Are you interested in basketball?" He smiled warmly at me.

"Waaah. I wished there's a female team. I just love basketball." I sighed.

"You can join the male team, (L/N)-san." He suggested.

"Eh? I can??" I asked him.

"Yes. The position as a manager is free. Will you join??" He asked.

"Yes. I'd love to! Thank you very much, Kuroko-kun." I smiled at him.

"Then, see you later afterschool, (L/N)-san." He said.

"Okay!" I grinned and walked back to my respected class.


"(L/N)-san?" Kuroko-kun came at my classroom.

"Kuroko-kun??" I looked at him questioningly.

"I'll take you to the gym. You just moves to Seirin for the first day, right??" He smiled warmly.

"Kuroko-kun, you're such a gentleman." I giggled.

"Really??" He blushed a little.

"Yes! Let's go!" I smiled at him.

"Okay, let's go." He lead me to the gym.


"Coach." Kuroko-kun came behind the female brown haired senpai.

"Kyaaaa!!!!!" The female coach screamed in surprise.

"K-Kuroko-kun..! Don't scare me like that!!" The coach seemed to be surprised to the core of her heart.

"Sorry, coach. I found someone who wanted to be our club manager." He said.

"Really?!" The coach's eyes sparkled.

"She's (L/N) (Y/N)." Kuroko-kun pointed at me.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Nice to meet you." I bowed at the coach.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)-chan." She smiled.

"Let's start our practice! Everyone!!" The coach shouted to get the team members' attention.


"Kagani-kun, can you go home by yourself today? I'll walk (L/N)-san home. It's dark outside." Kuroko-kun said to Kagami-kun.

"Fine. Tch. You abandon your friend for a girl." Kagami-kun puffed his cheeks and walked his way home.

"He's childish sometime." Kuroko-kun spoke to me.

"But he's cute." I giggled.

"Yeah... But not as cute as you..." He mumbled the last sentence.

"What??" I asked him to make sure that I heard it right.

"Nothing." Kuroko-kun smiled and took my hand in his. Whaaaa.... I can feel my heart beat racing.

I squeezed his hand and lead him to the direction of my house.


"It's here, Kuroko-kun. Thank you for walking me home." I released his hand.

"It's fine, see you tomorrow." He smiled at me again and ruffled my hair.

"Bye." I turned away and started walking to my house.

"Wait." Kuroko-kun called out.

"Yes??" I replied and looked at him curiously.

He came and placed his lips on my cheeks.

"Good night." He smiled.

"G-Good night to you too...." I mumbled and walked into my house.

Well, it was a wonderful first day at Seirin High anyway.

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