first day

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Anh group allow no hate

Over FaceTime

Becky: will y'all come on y'all get dressed the slowest.

Rhea: I had to find my ripped jeans

Kacy: you know Becky people don't get dressed just as fast as you.

Becky: Kacy you are so small, I could easily bully you but I'm not a bully.

Bianca:. I'm so ready right Naomi?? Naomi?? Where are you as she run back up stairs.

Naomi: I'm ready let's roll out girls.

Shayna: I'm gonna walk it's not that far.

Rhea: your gonna be late.

Shayna: There's a 99 % chance I don't care.

Sasha: I'ma walk with Shayna.

Rhea, Kacy, Becky: ok whatever floats your boat captain.

We all got on the bus except for Shayna and Sasha.

Kacy: so??

Rhea: what??

Kacy: are y'all trying out for cheer??

Rhea: heck no

Becky: I am

Kacy: please try out Rhea your our best friend come on please.

Rhea: I can't cheer

Kacy: I'll teach you I promise

Rhea: ok fine

Kacy: yay as she hug rhea

Rhea: yea you ain't gotta touch me.

Kacy: well that's rude.

Becky: come on y'all let's get off this bus.

When we got off the bus the office announced that cheer basketball soccer football and the softball coaches would talk to us later that day. Then we would get our schedules after tryouts. So the first day I wouldn't say was that much of a school day when 1:00 hit we all went and the cheer coach spoke us.

Coach Renee: so tryouts would be tommorow so bring extra clothes to tryouts in.

She asked us if we all understood what she said and we said yea and we left. When it hit 3:00 we all went home. So I went up stairs to pack my cheer tryout clothes then I face timed my girls and we all talked about cheer tryouts.

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Charlotte: dad can I invite my friends over??

Ric: yea sure

Charlotte invited them.

Dana: did you see that tall girl at cheer announcement??

Charlotte: yeah, she's not gonna make it by the looks of her.

Teagan: she look pathetic

Dakota: if she try out she's gonna get her feeling hurt.

Zelina: and the purple head mop, yea she's not gonna make it either she seem like she gotta bad attitude.

Lana: well I'ma be the one to knock it out of her.

Maryse: I'm not saying anything until y'all prove this stuff y'all are saying even though ik it's true.

Charlotte: well it's getting late y'all better start going home. See y'all tommorow girls.

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Roman: dean, why aren't you at home my couch is not to be slept on.

Dean: yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow I'ma head out

Roman: ok, but where did Seth go??

Dean: he went home after his mom called for him

Roman: well, see at school.

Dean: ok

Ok so here's the first chapter please read vote and comment got that chief??? Keep those hands clean!! I'm out!!

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