day 5: school

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Kacy's pov

My mom told me she would drive me to school because I be getting bullied on the bus.

At school

Mr. Ric: good morning

Rhea: um..... Mr. Ric??

Mr. Ric: yes Rhea

Rhea: would you punish me for something I didn't do??

Mr. Ric: of course not! Why do you ask

Rhea: because I didn't do my homework.

Mr. Ric laughs I'll give you that one because you got me.

Mr. Ric: who can tell me about a 8 side polygon??

Roman: a octagon it has 8 sides and 8 angles.

Mr. Ric: very good now a 5 sided polygon

Rhea: a pentagon it has 5 sided and angles.

Mr. Ric: ok and now a 7 sided polygon??

Kacy: ik ik!! It's a heptagon

Mr. Ric: good job sweet girl.

After class

Mrs. Stephanie class

Mrs. Stephanie: 5 day back in school. Today we are going to review what we learned yesterday to see who was paying attention and to make sure y'all got it down. Ok who can tell me- then the door opened it was principal Vince.

Mrs. Stephanie: dad, why are you here??

Vince: I wanted to see you teach your little ugly student continue.

Mrs. Stephanie: ok, dean Find an equation of the line containing (- 4,5) and perpendicular to the line 5x - 3y = 4.

Dean gave the answer

Mrs. Stephanie: Good job. Well he bell will ring in less than 2 minutes so get ready to go and I hope y'all have a good day.

The bell ring at cheer practice (at football field)

Roman: hey baby, why are y'all at the football field.

Rhea: it's to hot in the gym.

Roman: oh ok, and umm you look hot

Rhea: thanks bae but I gotta go. Then they kissed

Coach Renee: our new cheer captain Mrs. Alexa bliss here. Is gonna make a routine y'all have to learn today.

The routine was hard.

Coach Renee: come on Kacy tighten up.

Kacy: coach, this is hard but I'm ride smoothly through it. I'm getting there.

Rhea: Kacy babygirl you want me help you because you struggling.

Kacy: yes please help me.

Liv: I finally got the dance.

Charlotte: can I have my Cheer captain spot back??

Coach Renee: sorry Charlotte it was a vote and Lexi won 14 - 1

Charlotte: I quite!! This is not fair.

Rhea: bye girl we not needs you hunny you can go about your business.


Charlotte: I don't care what you say to me because it don't matter.

Rhea: It’s impressive that you’re flexible enough to have your foot in your mouth and head up your ass at the same time.

Charlotte: coach she just cursed at me.

Coach Renee: Rhea, please stop cursing so she can stop whining.

Charlotte: oh and by the way you know I know how you be talking to my dad. You told him nobody would ever like him.

Rhea: correction I didn't say that. So umm....Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything. You would be much more likable if it wasn’t for that hole in your mouth that noise comes out of.

Charlotte: you think just because you have been getting lucky that your special?? Hell no!!! You just been behind your boyfriend fuckin him from behind.

Rhea: you can keep talking all you want. It won't stop me from beating your face. She goes up to her and ouch her in the face when all the cheerleaders pulled her back.

Charlotte: I'm telling on you.

Rhea: aww you gonna cry?? Twinkle Twinkle little snitch mind your own business and stop being a bitch.

Charlotte leaves

Coach Renee: baby you need help.

Rhea: I know I'm trying though.

Roman: baby, listen I need to take you to get some therapy.

Kacy: I couldn't get the routine and it made me sad.

Rhea: well, scratch your butt and get glad.

Kacy: what?? As she laughed.

Coach Renee: y'all did good today see y'all tomorrow.

Girls: see ya later coach.

Becky's house

I FaceTime my friends

Becky: hey girls

Mandy: cheer was fun today.

Liv: yea, I had a hard time getting the routine thanks to you Lexi.

Lexi: I didn't realize I made it that hard.

Mandy: yes, it was very hard to learn.

Rhea: not really but I'm sleepy do goodnight gurls see y'all tomorrow.

Kacy: goodnight.

I hope y'all like my part of the book!!! Enjoy!!!

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