What Are Friends For?

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(Warning: Jonah has a panic attack in this chapter)

When Jonah first awoke, he was concerned because he didn't recognize his surroundings. However, when he noticed that he was laying next to TJ, and the latter had his arms around him, memories of yesterday flooded in. The taller boy was on his side and had his face buried into Jonah's neck. He involuntarily shivered every time TJ's warm breath hit the side of his neck. He was a little sad he couldn't see TJ's face. He was sure it would be soft and gentle, like when TJ was around Cyrus.

Speaking of Cyrus, he was practically cuddling with his best friend's boyfriend, not to mention the fact that they slept in the same bed despite not needing to. He should probably wake TJ up instead of staring at him while he slept.

"Hey, TJ, wake up." He shook the boy by the shoulder. It didn't take long before the boy was pulling away from Jonah and sitting up. Jonah sat up as well.

"Shit, what time is it?" He rubbed his eyes before putting on his glasses and pushing his hair out of his face. Jonah didn't really notice before, but it looked really soft, meaning TJ wasn't wearing any gel. He was tempted to touch it. He also got the see TJ in his glasses for the first time and man was he adorable. The combination caused Jonah's heart to race and his cheeks to flush pink. "Um, Jonah? Are you alright?" Jonah couldn't help but blush harder at the way TJ tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"Y-yeah, I'm, uh, fine. Um...it's almost 9." TJ hummed before stretching his arms.

"C'mon, let's go get breakfast. I'm kinda hungry." Jonah, however, wanted to get his brain sorted out first.

"Uh, you go ahead. I...have to use the bathroom." He rushed past the boy and hurried to the bathroom. He shut the door before sitting in front of the bathtub. His thoughts swarmed him like a pack of vicious bees. He didn't want to think about the implications his thoughts about TJ had, because he knew that it could only mean one thing.

Jonah felt like he was choking. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he choked on his sobs. He felt like he was dying. But, in the distance, he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Jonah? Are you alright? Can you hear me? I'm coming in, okay?" Jonah couldn't help but feel bad for making TJ worry about him. "Jay, focus on me, alright?" He gently grabbed the hands of the panicking boy.  "I think you're having a panic attack. Can you tell me four things you can see?"

"U-um, your f-face, the s-sink, t-the tile, and um...the door."

"Good, that's good. Can you name three things you can feel?"

"Y-your hands, the, um, tile, and the b-bathtub."

"You're doing so well. Now, can you name two things you can hear?"

"Your voice and...m-my voice?"

"Good. Now just breathe." Eventually, Jonah was able to breathe more normally and notably calmed down from his panic attack. "Are you alright? Can you stand?"

"T-thanks," Jonah smiled slightly at the blonde. TJ returned it with a smile of his own. The two sat on the floor for a little longer before TJ helped Jonah to his feet. "I, uh, I didn't know you knew how to..."

"Yeah, I wanted to learn. I mean, last time I had to find help. I wanted to be able to help you next time. Plus, Cyrus also has panic attacks sometimes, so it seemed like an important thing to learn. Enough about that, though, let's go get some breakfast. I'm sure you need some water."

"Thanks again, Teej. I really appreciate it." TJ ran a hand down Jonah's back.

"It's really not a big deal. I would do anything to help you out if you need it. I mean, hey, what are friends for." He smiled at Jonah and the brunette smiled back.

"Yeah, of course. I would do the same for you if you needed me to, T. But I am pretty thirsty now that you mention it."

"Thanks for ruining the moment, Jonah."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

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