The Kippen Siblings

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Jonah had been spent a lot of his time hanging out with TJ and Cyrus recently. They were both extremely nice and two of Jonah's best friends. They were also probably Jonah's favorites to hang out with out of the whole group, though he may just be bias. The three were currently in the park, spread out in the grass under a tree. They were just chatting, until Cyrus had to head home. As a result, TJ was walking Cyrus back to his place and Jonah was heading in the opposite direction to head back to his apartment.

However, a small dapper was put on that plan. Now, Jonah had long accepted his feelings for both boys, and he couldn't help himself when he looked back to watch the couple walk about. He wasn't expecting, though, that TJ would look back at him too, and the two would lock eyes. The eye contact didn't last long, since Jonah quickly turned back around. What he missed by doing this was Cyrus looking back at him as well.

Jonah was currently freaking out a little. He didn't know if TJ knew about the whole look back thing. I mean, he obviously knew Amber, she might've told him. Which would mean TJ knew how he felt about him. Plus, TJ was taken. He knew you could like multiple people, since he himself did, but he refused to believe TJ liked him, even if he looked back at him. What he should do is talk to Amber; her shift was ending soon. So, instead of heading home, Jonah booked it to the Spoon to make it there before Amber left.

Luck was on his side, because by the time he arrived, Amber was halfway through the door. She was on her phone, looking at something, as she exited the building. "Amber, Amber!" The distressed brunette called. That seemed to get her attention.

"Oh, Jonah." She gave him a sweet smile. "What's up? Need something?"

"Well, yeah kinda. You see there's this thing--" Before Jonah could even get into details or questions, he was interrupted by Amber's phone dinging.

"Sorry, my brother is texting me." Brother? Amber has siblings? "What's the issue?"

"Wait, hold on a second, you have a brother? Do you have other siblings too or just your brother? Do I know him?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew I had a brother, considering you're friends with him and all. But, to answer your other question, no, it's just me and him. He said you were hanging out with him and Cyrus earlier. You know, TJ Kippen?"

"You're a Kippen? I had no idea! I didn't even know you two need each other until he greeted you at the Spoon when we were all eating there not too long ago. He called you Ambs, so I figured y'all were at least friends."

"Yeah, anyways, enough about me. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Ah yes, the entire reason Jonah was talking to Amber in the first place. But, after finding out Amber and TJ were siblings, he was quite hesitant to talk about what transpired at the park earlier.

" know how you said if someone looks back at you it means they like you as more than a friend? What if I look back at someone and they look back at me?"

"Well, that's amazing Jonah! I think you should ask them out!"

"What if they're taken?" Amber pauses at that and just stares at Jonah for a minute. The longer she stared at him in silence, the more uncomfortable and nervous he felt.

"Wait, let me see if I got this straight," Jonah laughed internally at that, because nothing about his crush on TJ was straight. "Someone who's taken looked back at you at the same time you looked back at them?"

" that bad? Does that mean they don't like me?"

"I mean, it sounds pretty bizarre, but I guess it's possible for them to be dating someone and for them to have a crush."

"Um, speaking of which, I want to tell you something. First, I want to start off by saying I'm b-bisexual, and I also want to mention I'm polyamorous. I have a crush on two boys...please don't hate me, I can't control it."

"Oh! Um, okay, I don't know what polyamorous is but I'm proud of you for coming out to me. I know that take a lot of courage." She gave him a hug.

"Thank you. I wasn't expecting to tell you something like this, in front of the spoon no less, but I don't regret a second of it."

"I'm a bit surprised you talked to me about this instead of someone else, like Cyrus for example."

"Well, yeah, I thought about it, but he's one of the boys I like so I figured that would bite me in the butt somehow later down the line."

"C'mon, you're walking me home. We can talk more about it and maybe you can even tell me who this other boy is."

"I'll walk you home, but knowing one crush is already enough. I think you owe me a crush share."

"Yeah, there's no way." And the two continued to chat and banter lightly as Jonah walked Amber back to the Kippen household. He felt lighter. His heart was less heavy with secrets. Besides, it felt good talking to Amber like this. Before either of them knew it, it was time to bide goodbye, but this was more of a new chapter than a permanent end.

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