Chapter 12

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"Saffron. Saffron! Saffron? SAFFRON!"
I looked up. Urla was yelling my name.
"Yeah?" I asked, still partially staring into space.
"Can you help me with this? I suck at maths. That's why I'm only a three-quarter nerd coz nerds are good at math," she said. I didn't reply and absentmindedly moved my pen around the desk.
"How dare you draw on my desks, thank you very much!" The teacher yelled at me from across the room. I looked up, realising she was talking to me.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
I just had so many questions that were unanswered. I kinda did feel bad about yelling at June. Especially since I hadn't seen her for four years. But I was more angry at her than pleased to see her. Had she not wanted to see me? To save me from the horror of my life? I was starting to question my existence on this planet.

"Class today we are writing poems," the teacher instructed. "I want you to put all your feelings down on your tablet."
"Yay! I love poetry!" Urla said bouncing up and down in her seat. The teacher gave her a weird look. I ended up with some lame thing which the teacher found 'interesting' and read to the class while I sat in my chair cringing.

"The wind blows the tree around
shaking its leaves off and crashing its branches together

The rain softens the bark that starts to peal
It causes small branches to fall onto the solid ground

Creatures stand on it
Climb it
Trample on it
Then leave
Without looking at the damage it has made

The tree has been blown around
It has scars that will never heal
But still stands tall

The most blown around tree,
The human"

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