Part 12

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"Your friends are really funny," I said once we're in the cab and driving back to the boarding house.

"Thanks, sometimes they can be such a pain, especially after drinks. We don't drink often so this is like a once off type of event. When we are sober, we are real hard-working musicians, I swear!"

"Don't worry I believe you." I replied.

"So, do you have any more plans for the week?" Nam-joon asked.

"Well I'll probably do some more exploring of Seoul, then I'll be going to a party on Saturday which my aunt has planned for me. But other than that, I don't have much of a schedule. How about you?"

"Well we have a performance on Saturday, and of course we have to practice, you know, do normal idol type stuff. Today was our last free day before our schedule gets really heavy and hectic. I'm glad I could spend it with you."

I look over to him and our eyes lock. It's dim inside the cab, but I can see him clearly enough. He has soft features hiding behind his mask and a cute little nose, I can smell his woody aftershave, and his amazing brown hair is just screaming for me to touch it. Of course, I don't because that would be extremely awkward, but if you think about it, a series of awkward events has brought me here.

I feel confused, eager and happy all at once. Travelling by yourself can be a lonely experience that some simply cannot stand. If you happen to be like me and enjoy time by yourself the burden of being alone will never truly faze you, but in his presence, I couldn't help but feel like I was missing out on something, rather someone. When I finally return to my room in the hostel I will be alone, I will brush my teeth in the eerily silent bathroom. I will go to sleep alone, wake up alone to a cold empty bed that will feel vast.

These few moments spent alone with someone I really like, dare I say care for, were so precious to me.

I broke eye contact and looked down at my hand, it was covered by Nam-joon's. My ice-cold fingers seemed to automatically wrap around his large warm hands. A jubilant look spreads across my face. Nam-joon looks adoringly down at me, his body leans closer by the second, I sink into him, enjoying having his arms around me.

"Thank you for tonight. It was This sounds crazy, but I think I care for you, I really enjoyed my time tonight." Why is my voice so soft and shaky around him?

"We're here." The cab driver said.

I let go of Nam-joon's hand and fish around in my pocket for my credit card. I swipe the machine and pay.

"Could you please wait a minute?" I asked the cab driver.

"Certainly miss."

I look back at Nam-joon and flash him a shy grin.

"I care about you too..." Nam-joon trails off as I lean over and without much thought draw him closer into a tight embrace, cradling my hands around his neck. He relaxes and puts his muscular arms around my waist squeezing me for just a moment. Nam-joon places a gentle kiss on my forehead, and I notice he slowly breathes in my scent, his exhale tickles my ear. We stay like this for a while, enjoying the silence, but acknowledging the endless gush of words that flow between us.

I step out of the cab and watch it drive away, silently wishing Nam-joon and BTS all the best. I hope they will perform well. I hope all of them stay healthy. I hope that my auntie will throw me a great party. I wish that the next time Nam-joon is free he will call me and say 'hey let's grab a coffee'.

Finding Seoul *** BTS Fanfic *** RM and Jimin Biased ***Where stories live. Discover now