I was seating on my soft bed , I sigh and glared at my phone hoping for some calls from the all agency I was being interviewed.
I jumped on when suddenly my phone rang , a big smile on my face and answered it .
"Hello" i said in low voice as I smile.
"Hi this is from the company of Mr. Jeon , I'm his secretary, and you must be Miss Cassandra?" He ask at me.
"Yeah that's me, why?" I ask back but in soft one.
"My boss was finding secretary for his son, would you be able to apply and work here?" He said , my eyes got bigger and I want to scream but I need to hold still.
"Sure , what day should I start to work?"I say with a huge smile.
"Maybe in Sunday , if it is okay on you" he said.
"Of course!,ok bye thanks" I said before hang up it , I bit my lips and started to scream I threw my pillows on the floor.
I jumped up and down then Lean and seat again I can't handle my self , I keep shouting then someone harshly opening the door.
I saw Jane panting and walk towards me , I could saw her face feeling mad , I hurriedly sat up and run to her then hug him while I jumped.
"What the fucking hell happened to you?"she ask me with confused face.
"I..I..I..." I bit my lips jumped on her again , we both fell on the floor.
"Hey that's hurt Cassandra, what's making you so happy like that?" She ask me as I stood up and help her to stand.
"Where's Mae?, Jane I have something to tell you both" I ask holding her hands .
"Downstairs watching a movie" she said.
We both went downstairs, ok cassandra you can do this tell them that you have a work from now on.okeyyyyyy........i thought.
"O Cassandra your finally here you bitch"Mae rolled her eyes and crossing her arms as she said.
I give her a lightly smile then hug her. Well Mae is my best friend but she's so different from Jane , Jane is a kind, smart, charming, honest and brave but sometimes pervert hehe..., while Mae is also beautiful but strict , honest, pervert , discuss, sometimes kind and have pity.
"Woah Mae is that how you greet a sweet friend don't you?"I tease her , she roll her eyes and I smiled.
"Fine!" she said.
"So Cassandra why you so happy this time?"Jane ask me as she sat down on the couch and smile.
"She is?"Marie said pointing at me while she looking on Jane.
"Yup she is , so what is it?" Jane said staring at me.
"Ok , so one of the all agency I applied for a job, there's a one agency hired me , guys I have a work finally in this entire life!"I said while jumping in front of them.
There eyes get bigger as they clapping, finally...... finally i said it .
After that Mae, Jane and I went to the store and celebrate it there, Jane who the one treat us , she buy three pieces of cake and three bottles of soju.
"So what day you should start your work?"Mae ask me as she drunk her soju.
"They said I will start on Sunday"I said and smile.
"Good luck girl , I hope your boss was gentleman and handsome"Jane said while smirking.
"I hope so too" Mae said and eat her cake.
"Tell us if your boss was handsome because we will be there and meet him"Jane said while chuckled.
I chuckled too , after that we became an insane to meet my boss, well because my best friends are there I had a confidence.
We all laugh and get drunk, we now walking on the street drunk.
"Hey Jane why you had an twin like y-your face it's so disame ?"I said with chuckled and patted Jane's shoulder.
"What are you talking about Cassandra I have no twin" Jane said.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!GUYS LOOK IS THAT A CHOCOLATE?"Mae said while pointing on the road.
Me and Jane both went on Mae and stare it.
"HAHAHA!!Mae are you kidding us that's not a chocolate it a poop of a dog ewwww"I said while laughing so hard.
Also Jane laugh until our both stomach hurts, shit why now I want to laugh more.
"WHAT!!!!! YEAHHHHHH ITS REALLY A POOP" Mae said when she touched it, ewwww why she do it.
We laugh again and again , I think I'm going to die now.
Mae is just a joker girl she knows that is poop then she touch it my gosh
"What are you thinking to touch it you idiot?" I ask as I chuckled and wipe my tears.
"I'm drunk so enough laughing you two , I felt embarrassed after what happened" Mae said as she walked away.
Me and Jane looking at each other before followed her.
Minutes past:
"Argh finally at home already gosh I can't forget what happened!!" Mae said while planted her head on the bed.
We laugh again and sat beside of Mae's fluffy bed.
"What so funny,are you two still have some respect on me right?" Mae said and face us.
"Yup we have , why you asking?" I ask back on her.
"If you have some respect please stop laughing already it makes me feel uncomfortable at all" Mae said and pouting.
"Okay we promise"Jane said as she making some cross sign on her chest.
"Me too promise we won't do that again" I said and smile.
"Mae did you wash your hand after you touch me he poop?"Jane ask holding her laugher.
"Yeah.....until now Mae you didn't , wash first before you could touch many things here and it smiles stinky"I yelled and chuckled.
"Fine I wash , you happy?"Mae said in irritated.
"No..."Jane said and laugh.
Then my phone rang , I took it and answered.
"Hello" I said.
"It's me again , my boss said you can start your work tomorrow at 7:45 am don't be late"he said and I said 'yes' .
"BTW can my friends come too?" I ask him.
"You can do that... but only one , I mean you're the only one going to work not your friends"he said.
"Thank you sir"I said and hanging up my phone.
I lay my self on my own bed and sleep.