"tsk tsk tsk tsk....!"
"Owh hey Jane what are you doing here?" I said as I sat up and sit at the edge of my bed.
"Who's the hell is that you talked at your phone?"she ask seductively and I shrugged.
"It's my boss , he needed my help to find eunha"I said and smiled.
She glare at me like a crazy psycho path and sat beside me.
"Boss huh, well be careful on him btw who's eunha?"she ask.
"CEO jeons girlfriend"I laugh awkwardly.
"Ahm Cassandra, my parents want me to come back home"she said while her eyes looking down.
"What?!,w-why?"I shouted and blinked my eyes twice.
"I don't know but they want me to come home"she said almost tears fell down.
"Is Mae knows this?"I ask.
"No she didn't, you can tell her if you want because I'm going now"she said and stood up.
I hold her arms but she just snicked out , I cried and telling her to stay but she's already gone.
"What happened here Cassandra?, Where is Jane?"Mae ask , she just new awake from the deep sleep.
"Jane was gone...her parents want her to came back on their house..."I cried and hug Mae as she also crying.
"Shhhh........ Cassandra, Jane well come back I'll promise you that"Mae shushes me and hug me back.
I stop from crying because my phone rang , I picked it up and put it on my ears.
Mae sat down on the sofa while staring at me with a confused look.
"Hello.....who are they?"I ask.
"It's me Cassandra , Jungkook, thanks for helping again with eunha and here she is now sleeping with me, if you want to have some fun.....you can have your own day off , I'm not in work tomorrow because I promise eunha that me and her we'll have our own fun too"he said.
"Thank you sir , have fun with her...."I said and hung up.
I sighed and thinking about my day off what kind of fun should I do.
"So what he said?"Mae disturbing my thoughts.
"He said......I can have my own day off......so that I can have my own fun"I said as I sat down.
"Good!,I have something to show you tommorow and that's make you fun I sure it"Mae said and stood up expressing her imagination.
"Owhhh really......?"I tease her and she pouted.
"Aish....let's sleep and let's make it out tomorrow"she said dragging me to my own room and she walk on her room too.
It's Mae's things... always, well I hope so she can make me happy.
Why I need to be happy by anyone?, Am I not happy?, I don't know but there is something weird I felt.
I run towards the bathroom and vomit on the sink, I look at my self on the mirror and realized that......OMG!!!!
I run to my drawer and took some pregnancy test and run back to the bathroom.
You Know how to do it.
I'll wait for some second and.....BAAM!!!.
it's a double line, it's mean.....I'm pregnant , who's the father?.
My eyes widened and I gasped, no way, no way.....!!!!!!
I have no boyfriend , no one touch me beside Jungkook.
Jungkook!!!!!???,omg he's the one who have making out hot session on me , when Jane needs some help.
I shake my head side to side while thinking about of my pregnancy.
"What well my parents say this on me?,how can I explain it on them?I'm not ready to tell it even Jungkook"I said to my self and cried.
I run back to my bed and buried my face on my fluffy pillow, I punch it many times to take out my anger and upset.
I'm a bad girl, I'm a slut, I'm a hoe , no that's not true!,I'm a good girl right?.
Omg I think I'm already crazy here, gosh......hahahahaha.
I didn't stop thinking a negative until I couldn't hold it , I black out and snoring.
"Wake up Cassandra.....,I promise to take you to that new place and get ready now"Mae whining while pulling me to stood up.
"Fine, well I have something to tell you"I said.
"Just tell it there, get ready now and hurry the food well be cold"she said and walk out.
I sighed and stood up , I looked at my stomach and held it with a smile crafted on my lips.
"Don't worry baby I well take care and love you no matter what happened"I said and walk to my drawer.
After I finish dressed my self I walk downstairs and saw Mae already shoving her own food.
"Hey Cassandra here eat this"she said while chewing her food.
"Thanks"I simply said and ate my food.
After we finish eat our breakfast we headed to the place where Mae saying.
Crap!!it's so cool and nice.
"So Mae about I said to you at the house....you want to know it?"I ask nervously and playing with my finger tips.
"Hmm....."she hum and I took a deep breaths.
"I'm pregnant"i said and she gasped while covering her mouth.
"Are you kidding?,h-how?"she ask and I sighed.
"It's just a mistake Mae, the father of this baby is my boss...."I said and looked down to my feet.
"Why did you let him to do that?,why you didn't tell us?,now your pregnant what should we do?"she whined and stood up walk around on me.
"I have no plans to tell this on him, I'm afraid because eunha was here and they still girlfriend and boyfriend"I said while looking at her.
"Ok, no one should knows this only me and you , don't tell this on Jane probably she's going tell it on Jungkook without a second thought"she said and hug me from behind.
I cry and hug her arms and she wiped my tears away and drag me to the convenience store and buy some lollipop.
"No one should know this"I said to my self and sucked my own lollipop.