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CHAPTER SIXEARTH KILLS"fuck a white horse and a carriage"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"fuck a white horse and a carriage"

After a small while of hunting, Dylan grew both bored and impatient. Her continuously whining and complaining didn't exactly help the team spirit either. So she decided to return to camp, much to everyone's relief.

They loved her, just not when she wouldn't shut up about her tired feet and hungry belly.

She wasn't sure if she was going in the right direction. Bellamy had pinpointed her in the direction of the camp, but after a while she suspected that she was going the wrong way. After passing by the same oddly shaped rock for the third time she came to the conclusion; she was officially lost.

This was just what she needed. She was lost in a foreign forest with grounders, mutated animals and snake infested water (ones that were abnormally large and who's favorite snack was human). What was the next thing? Flying pigs?

She groaned, sliding down a tree. She needed a break. Desperately. She was tired, hungry and thirsty. It was a deadly combination, she figured, especially when bloodthirsty grounders were hunting in the same woods, only for her and not a boar.

"This is so fucking typical, just my luck." She growled, picking up a twig from the ground, snapping it in two. She suddenly perked up, recalling what she had read about bark. If she wasn't mistaken, it was edible. Slowly letting her head turn and eyes fall on the brown bark wrapped around the tree trunks, she considered it. It's better than nothing, she thought as she pried a piece off of the tree. Here goes nothing. She quickly popped it into her mouth, rapidly chewing. It was disgusting.

"Okay, yeah, no way." She spat out several piece, coughing as something got stuck in her throat. She wiped her mouth, and tongue, on her sleeve, trying her best to rid the remaining pieces from her mouth. "What sicko would do that to themselves?" She said out loudly, shuddering at the aftertaste.

     If she was going to make it back to camp, which she was confident she was, then she couldn't be sitting around. She got to her feet, sighing heavily before weaving through the trees, attempting to find the camp. "You know what? Fuck you earth? You hear that? Fuck you!" She screamed out, her voice bouncing off of the trees. As if on cue, a flock of birds screeched in the distance, suddenly soaring through the air in her direction. "What the fuck?" She whispered. I knew I shouldn't have cursed the earth, she argued to herself, now I've upset it.

     Followed by the birds, a green fog. It stormed towards her, and she was unsure what it was, but judging by the terrified looking birds escaping, it wasn't anything good. So she reeled around, pumping her legs with all her power against the soil beneath her, throwing distressed looks over her shoulders every now and then.

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