Chapter Twenty One

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Bellas POV

Caden had left before I woke up, which annoyed me, but my annoyance might have come from the headache that drove knives into my skull whenever I moved.

Managing to make my way downstairs I heard Alice groan "I am going to kill you for letting me drink that much"

"Bitch, it was your idea to drink in the first place" I said, hitting her lightly on the head and she groaned again and covered her face.

"How did they do this so often in Greys Anatomy" she whined, sitting up finally, her black eyeshadow smeared down her face.

I shook my head and grabbed two energy drinks out of the fridge "I don't know, and they were working like 40 hour shifts too but it's a tv show so definitely not accurate hangovers"

She popped open her can and took a sip before leaning back and covering her face.

"Was there a guy here?" She asked suddenly, her eyes meeting mine.

My stomach dropped and I stammered "uh yeah, just this guy Caden, he was giving me back my sweatshirt"

She raised an eyebrow "just returning a sweatshirt?"

I nodded "yeah I left it at work last time, we've been uh...talking since then"

She suppressed a smile "dude finally" she sat up more in her seat "you've been avoiding men like they have the plague for three years now"

She didn't know half of it and I wasn't going to tell her much else.

She didn't need to know about my bad decisions with Caden.

The door opened and Jenna walked through. Her eyes widened when she saw the empty bottle on the table.

"You did not drink all of that while I was gone" she said, dropping her bags and putting her hands on her hips.

"I didn't know you were coming back so soon?" I said, hopping that would make it better.

She shook her head "put that away right now Alice" and Alice hurriedly gave her a solute, grabbing the bottle and dumping it in the recycling, the shot glasses going into the sink.

Jenna signed and opened the door more, making room as Gary walked through behind her, holding one of her bags.

She had to be fucking with me, the cop that had questioned me ? She looked a little sheepish, "thanks for the ride Gary"

He nodded and gave her a smile "of course, never any trouble to help a lady out"

He tipped his hat to her and closed to door.

"Don't look at me like that" she said, exasperated "you forget the cop and I'll forget the drinking, deal?"

I hugged her tightly, she really was my only family now, even though we weren't blood relatives and I had missed her.

She hugged me back and pushed my hair of my face "you okay baby ?"

I nodded "I don't like it when your gone"

"I know" she hugged me again "thanks for taking care of yourself while I was gone, now please go shower, you still smell like alcohol and I'll be labeled an unfit parent if anyone sees you like this, you too Alice, don't you dare go home to your mother, I already know she doesn't approve of me"

Alice shrugged "she didn't like that you used non organic apples for the pie your brought over during her party last year, don't hold it against her, she's a little strict about that stuff"

Jenna shook her head "how you have managed to stay sane this long days a lot about you, go use the shower in my bathroom, there's advil in the top cabinet"

I grabbed some clothes for her to change into before jumping in the shower myself.

The water was so hot, but it burned my skin in the best way. I closing my eyes, breathing in the steam, feeling my muscles become less tense.

Jenna was finally home and I could relax.

Ever since I was a kid she had been there, she had been friends with both of my parents and had tried her best to help my mom out after my dad had passed but her pain was too much. 

I could remember the day everything changed so vividly. She had taken me out to the park, a bag of breadcrumbs in her hands, showing me how to feed the ducks.

I had been young but not young enough to forget.

I remember her walking me home, holding my hand, the scream she let out as she walked into the house. She had grabbed me and covered my eyes.

I remembered the flashing lights of the cop cars, the stares of the neighbors and the stretcher with a sheet draped on top that had been wheeled out.

She had taken me home with her that night and I had never left. My old house sitting empty for years until it had been sold, the money going into a trust. Legally she adopted me, giving me the childhood I needed, and giving her the child she couldn't have.

I scrubbed my skin harder, I didn't want to think about my parents, it was too painful.

I washed the last drops of conditioner out of my hair and turned the water off, wrapping a towel around my body.

The mirror was covered in steam but the outline of a heart had been drawn in the center.

This motherfucker.

I dried myself off and changed into a sweatshirt, a pair of black leggings and a T-shirt, pulling on long white socks that bunched around the ankles.

I opened the door and Caden sat there, waiting for me.

"You know" I mulled "I bet you look really stupid climbing up that tree"

"I'll blame that comment on your headache love" he said, standing up and kissing my forehead.

"Janna's home" I said "she can't catch you up here"

"I know" he cupped my face in his hands "I just needed to make sure you were safe, I'm going to have some guys watching the house just in case okay?"

That was worrying "why?" I asked, running my hand down his chest.

He shook his head "don't worry about it, but call me right away if you see anything out of the ordinary"

I nodded and relaxed into him, his arms enveloping me in a hug.

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