Chapter Thirty

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Bella's POV

The beeping of the hospital machines was so constant it had begun to piss me off. I'd been here for a week, although I had only needed to stay for a couple days because of my shoulder, the rest of the time I'd spent at Cadens bed side. Larx stood beside him as well, his feeling of guilt obvious. He had explained everything, the FBI raid and the plan to get Caden away, but Ryder wasn't supposed to escape. 

When the police and ambulance had arrived, Ryder and his partner, Nick had been carried away on stretchers. Nick was still breathing, even now, machines helping pump his blood and feed him until they found out if he was a possible organ donor. He had hit his head hard when he fell, the nurses had told me, his brain activity zero to none. Ryder had died instantly, his body taken away and cremated under the careful watch of the FBI. 

I hadn't let go of Caden, even when when they carried him away. My tears had soaked into his T-shirt, my body covering his the entire way to the hospital. I was been sedated when I began to kick and scream at the nurses when why tried to take him away to surgery. 

The bullet had narrowly missed his heart, avoiding any major damage thankfully but he still hadn't gained conciseness. They had explained that it was almost a like a forced coma but I heard them whispering, he should definitely have woken up by now. 

The hospital registration worker had been by every single day, asking me for his insurance information, his birthday and many other details I didn't know. Larx shoed her away every time. I wouldn't have been much help to her even if she did get around to chatting with me. 

I looked down at his face, his skin pale standing out in the glow of the florescent lights overhead. "Honey" Jenna's hand rubbed my back, her touch making me jump slightly. I hadn't even heard her come int the room. "We've got to go home."

She didn't know everything. I told her I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and Caden had protected me, going back into the house to save me. She seemed to believe that and understood why I needed to be here. I didn't tell her much else and she hadn't pressed the subject. She had spoken with that cop Gary extensively about the case, despite the fact he hadn't been on the scene. 

I walked out with her, looking back over my shoulder at him briefly. "He'll be fine" Larx said, noticing my look "I'll be here."

I gave him a final nod and followed Jenna out to the car. My whole body felt heavy, my wrists still had marks from the ropes but they had begun to slowly heal. I opened the door and slouched in the passenger seat, my body feeling the lack of sleep. My mind hadn't stopped spinning since I'd seen Caden get shot. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been there, if Caden had never started talking to me. If he had just left me alone I would be about to graduate school, focusing on colleges and parties and what to wear the next day. I hadn't been to school for two weeks now, Jenna calling in and telling them I was sick. Alice had given me the homework but I had yet to even glance over the assignments. 

I didn't remember much of the car ride home. I seemed to wake up out of my daze when Jenna helped me out of the car, hugging me tightly. 

"You've been through a lot baby" She said softly, "You shouldn't have gone through that, especially after the trauma you had to deal with from your parents."

I shook my head "I just feel guilty, I feel-" I breathed in, trying to find the word "I feel like part of me is missing." 

I saw the tears build in her eyes, her hand hastily brushing them away "You can't feel guilty Bella, you didn't do anything to deserve what happened to you, I'm just glad they didn't do anything worse."

I was too, I had seen the look in Ryders eye when my shirt had been ripped off. I could still feel his hand caressing my chest, the memory usually coming back to me when I closed my eyes to fall asleep. It could have been a lot worse. 

I wrapped my arms around myself as Jenna walked me inside. I felt cold, and nothing I did seemed to make it better. I wrapped myself up in a blanket and lay down in bed, watching the trees sway in the wind outside my window. His jacket lay on the bed, I was definitely stealing that from him for good. 

I also had his gun hidden under my pillow. When I heard the sirens coming I'd managed to grab the gun from his hands and shove it into my jeans, wrapping his jacket around me, trying to cover the fact I was only wearing a bra since my shirt was useless. 

Larx had told me that was the smartest thing I'd done, especially since that weapon wasn't registered to Caden. I was still confused on the details but I'd been told not to worry about dealing with the cops. 

"Play dumb" He'd whispered to me when he had gotten to the police station, and so I had. 

I closed my eyes and waited for sleep, my body succumbing finally, my thoughts slowing down. 

All I could think of were his arms wrapped around me, the light kisses on my neck. I felt whole when I was with him. This strange man had come into my life, completely fucked everything and now I couldn't live without him. 

I needed him so badly it hurt. 

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