Chapter 5

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Tessa's POV

I walked into my fourth period and almost tripped and fell on my face as I was walking to my desk in the very back of the room. I turned after I caught myself to see who it was, and there sits the devil herself. Incase it's not obvious enough, it's Renée.

"Oops." She said as if it was a complete "accident" but I just walked away and ignored her, I wasn't in the mood for this. I sat at my desk way in the back and put my head in my arms for a second, like those disney princesses when they cry, except I didn't cry. Math was my worst subject, I honestly hated it for many, many reasons. When I picked my head back up Chase was walking towards me. He stared right at me and I smiled. 

"Hey, you okay? I saw what Renée did to you earlier, and I saw you look a little down, so I was just wondering if you were okay." No, i'm not okay, I love you and I need you in my life.  I love you more than Renée ever will. who am I kidding, I don't love him, I can't he's chase and he's taken, I'm just... me.  But I just managed a smile and said, "I'm just fine." He walked away after that and I felt so stupid for letting him go, again, without saying a damn word about if he actually cared about me or if he was just playing with me. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Math flew by, and I was glad. I jumped up as the bell rang, and threw everything in my bag. I sprinted out of the door and ran to my bus. I got on early and just played on my phone, ignoring all the annoying idiots near me, until the bus came to my stop. I ran off the bus and into my house. I decided to go on a run, so I threw on my yoga pants, a long sleeve tee, and my running shoes.  I ran out the house, down the street, and to the local park. I ran until I spotted a water fountain, then I ran to that. I guess I was just focused on getting water that I didn't notice someone else coming the other way towards the fountain. I ran right into them, and fell right on my butt. 

"fuck." I muttered as I hit the ground. I felt a sting in my hands, guessing I managed to scrape my hands on the ground when I fell,  but I ignored it as I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Are you okay, sorry I didn't look at where I was running." I look up at whoever ran into me and knocked me on my face. Of course it would be Chase. He looked surprisingly good for someone who was running in the middle of December, he had one ear bud out and beads of sweat running down his face.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I say as I nervously brushed myself off again. 

"It's okay, it's all my fault." He says, and I blush and tuck a piece of my hair that made it out of my pony tail behind my ear. I gestured to the water fountain, and he started to drink water. When he was done I asked him a question; 

"Do you understand anything in math? Because I really need help. I don't get any of it." I said before I got a drink of water. I mainly said that to start a conversation, but I truly did need a tutor, so why not get a cute guy to tutor me? 

"I get it. Why? Do you need me to help you?" He asked as I finished getting a sip from the water fountain.

"Yea, I do. If that's not any bother." I said then looked down at my feet, kind of embarrassed that I was bad at the only class that wasn't honors on my schedule. 

"Sure, starting Monday?" He asked, curious. But honestly I was just excited, bringing my grades up and seeing a cute boy? What's not to get hyped up about?

"Why not now?" I wondered out loud, and then silently cursed myself, realizing how selfish I probably sounded.

"That's a good question, meet me at my house in ten." He said as he started walking backwardsI laughed a little as he tripped a bit.  

"Dude, what's your address. No nevermind, what's your number then you can text me your address."

"555-123-757" He said and started running away. I put the number in my phone, then put my music back on, smiling as I ran back home. I managed to meet my mom at home, so I asked her if she could drive me to his house after I showered quickly and got changed. I changed into something cute, but comfortable, so I decided on leggings and a cute Taylor Swift t-shirt, I grabbed my furry jacket as I slipped my uggs on and ran out to the car where my mom was waiting. When I knocked on the door, he answered, and I made a rash hug him. I know, I know, "you hugged him! Woah so adventurous!" but it was for me, I don't usually go out of my way to be affectionate to strangers/almost friends. 
Ok 2016 me is looking back at this and realizing how bad my writing is,,,,,,,i'm sorry to anyone who read this before I edited it.

~Lexi <33

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