One more cut

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One more cut
One more scar
Maybe today I'll be hit by a car

One more burn appears on your arm
Ha, and you thought you wouldn't self harm?

Some people ask why
Others understand
But still nobody lends a hand

A puddle of crimson starts to appear and you know that the time is soon to be near

You take out that note you wrote yet again
Saying goodbye to family and friends

"I just couldn't do it, couldn't take the pain..."
Different words but they all sound the same

The room gets dizzy as you make your last cut
You gasp for air as you eyes start to shut

Tears rolling down
you begin to frown
and regret starts filling the air
You reach for the phone but only for it not the be anywhere near

You try yelling for help
but to hear a small yelp and your body begins to shut down

You can see the light
Shining bright
And you know that your close home now.

A/n I'm really proud of this poem I wrote I feel like it's one of my best works so please it would mean the world to me if I got se feedback. And if you think it's that good and want to share it go for it all I ask is that you give me credit because no other person in this world has stepped inside my shoes and read my mind to make these thoughts turn into letters on a screen. it took a lot to publish this one and I really hope you guys like it enjoy.

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