17 - Rob

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So sorry updates have taken so long, I've just been busy. I promise to try to update more regularly now. Anyway, here it is.

When we had gotten back the night before, we had showered together before making love on the floor. We decided against the bed to save some of the creaks alerting people to what we were doing. I looked over to my right and could see a faint bruise where she had bitten into me to prevent herself crying out, not that I had anything against that. I looked down at Jamie, asleep on my chest, laying on her stomach with the duvet pooled around her hip and one leg crooked over the duvet. Her hair, in the morning light was a tangled mop, down her back, almost like an oil spill along her skin. She looked perfectly imperfect. I had been running my fingers through her knotted hair. It was wavier now that it had been before, most likely from the salt in the sea. The bridge of her nose had a slight pinkish hue from the wind burn last night. I smiled. She looked so calm and peaceful in sleep. It was only my need to have caffeine that caused me to pull myself away. I slowly eased myself from under her over the course of almost ten minutes before descending from the bed and dressing. Outside the window the faint patter of rain was interrupted by the thrashing of the wind, which made the water hammer against the glass. I was grateful we didn't have to deal with that last night.

I descended the stairs, not thinking I would have to face anyone in the kitchen as all should still be in bed. I was wrong. Bent over the counter, reading a magazine while the kettle boiled was Jamie's dad. I didn't even know his name as he hadn't introduced himself and everyone else called him dad. This was part of the reason he intimidated me. I couldn't just call him dad as one, I am pretty sure he doesn't like me yet and two that was a bit presumptuous.

"You a tea or coffee guy?" Jamie's dad asked without even looking up.

I choked, unsuccessfully disguising it as a cough, "Tea."

Without looking up, the other man reached into the cupboard above him and retrieved a mug and tea bag. The kettle finished boiling and he poured out a mug each as well as filling up the cafetière I hadn't noticed until now.

"Milk is in the fridge behind you."

It took me a moment to realise he was talking to me. I retrieved the milk from the fridge and handed it to him, he finally looked up as he poured it into the mugs. Removing the tea bag, he handed me my mug, which I cupped in my hand, leaching some of the warmth that I was worried would leave me.

"Sugar?" He asked finally.

I shook my head, "No thanks."


"Sorry?" I spluttered.

"My name is Jay," he explained, "I'm a sergeant in the police down here which mean if you hurt my daughter I know how to make you disappear."

"Look Jay, I know that my relationship with your daughter seems out of the blue and a crazy fantasy," I said slowly, "But I met her at my sister's party and I really liked her. Still really like her. I would never do anything to hurt her."

The other man sighed and crossed him arms, "Shit. You really are Dylan's uncle. That's fucking great."


"I'm a detective sergeant Rob. I can see the relation to Dylan in your face. Also Jamie told me she met you at the Benson's Christmas party. You said sister therefore you are Poppy's brother," he replied, his tone patronising to the point I wanted to sink into the wall, "How old are you?"

"Twenty nine," I returned, "Old enough to not just have sex on my mind twenty four seven."

"You don't approve of your nephew?" Jay smirked.

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