18 - Jamie

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"Home sweet home!" I cried as we dropped our bags by the door. My immediate reaction was to make drinks, "Tea?"

Rachel smiled, "Hell yeah!"

I wandered into the kitchen and flicked on the kettle. Perusing the collection of tea, I settled on elderflower oolong and set the leaves in the tea pot, pouring the water over for it to brew. Rachel has flopped herself on the sofa and was scrolling through Netflix pointlessly. She seemed more relaxed that when we had left for which I was grateful. I bundled up our clothes into the laundry basket before giving my friend a hug from behind.

"I'm just gonna go get the washing on," I said.

She smiled, "Ok don't expect me to wait for you."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the box of detergent and went down into the basement. Being a student flat, the washer and dryer were all together in the basement in an effort to be social. Along with some washing from the previous week, I was grateful for two empty machines as I stuffed our clothes over the two. Luckily I had enough coins. As for social, I don't think they planned for the way I had mine.

I was just about to leave to go back to the flat when Faith came down looking for a machine. She looked at me and smiled, as if she was simply a neighbour passing. It took everything I had to moved and walk stiffly pass her. I wanted so badly to say something but I couldn't for Rachel's sake. Rachel. I could still see her haunted empty eyes, tear stained cheeks and crushed self esteem. Something worked on so hard to be smashed on a few seconds. I couldn't leave without saying something.

"A stupid dyke."

"Sorry?" Faith called over her shoulder.

"A stupid dyke." I rounded on her, "You called my friend a stupid dyke."

"Look I have no idea what you are..."

"Faith don't even fucking finish that sentence!" I warned, my voice low. I could see her face change, slightly stiffer and reserved, "You called Rachel a stupid dyke for admitting she had feelings for you."

"Look I'm not gay!" She defended, "I'm sorry if she got the wrong vibes. It took me by surprise, how was I suppose to act?"

"A simple no would suffice!" I hissed, "Instead you break her and crush her."

"Well she better get used to it! Coz that is the real world sweetheart!" Faith shot back, her control slipping.

That was it. I saw red. I didn't even register slapping her until she slapped me across the face. Without thinking I kicked the side of her leg, sending her falling to the floor. She pulled me down also and punched my face. I returned said punch before she got two more in herself. I hadn't realised any of this until she was yanked screaming off me by two other girls and our neighbour Greg, pulled me to my feet.

"See. Being a friend of Dorothy makes you crazy," she screamed.

"Fuck you." I squirmed from Greg's grasp and struck her again before Greg pulled me away. I was dragged up the stairs to the flat. Greg holding me tight as he knocked on the door. Rachel opened the door, only for her face to fall at my blind anger and Greg's likely worry and confusion. I was sat on the sofa while Greg explained what he saw. Rachel's face crumpled before taking a visage of anger.

"I told you not to do anything!" She cried.

"She tried to brush it off Rachel. She looked at me as if nothing had happened. I can't let that homophobic behaviour carry on," I defended.

"Wait! What happened?" Greg asked.

"She called Rach a stupid dyke coz she has a crush on her," I said before Rachel could speak.

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