Taehyung is very innocent in this-
"What was that!?"
Jin literally throws a ladle in Taehyung's direction, his face burning hot in embarrassment. Namjoon's eyes are wide as he stares at the smaller, who evidently has been watching the whole blowjob thing that just happened.
"What where you doing? Namjoon what did you do to make him mad?" Taehyung asks as he dodges another thing being thrown his way.
Namjoon frowns and looks at Jin who's now ducked behind the kitchen isle, hiding his face in his hands. He leans down a little, slightly panicked.
"Why's your brother so innocent?" he whisper-shouts.
"I don't know! Omg, this is just not happening!" the elder whisper-shouts back.
Namjoon straightens back up and corrects his belt slightly.
"Um... J-Jin was just... cleaning me up?" he almost questions himself. Jin facepalms.
"Why?" the brunette asks. He's too innocent for his own good. He knows sex, but he has never seen oral sex before. Namjoon starts opening and closing his mouth like a fish, totally not good with situations like these.
Jin sighs and stands up. He grabs Namjoon's arm and pulls him all the way until he's outside the kitchen. Then, he grabs Taehyung's arm and drags him inside before closing the door on Namjoon's face.
He drags the youngest to the kitchen table and sits him down. Taehyung looks at him genuinely curious, waiting for an explanation. Jin sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He smells horrible, so he places himself a little away from Taehyung.
"Tae? You know what sex is. Right?" he asks. They never really had this talk, so it's annoyingly awkward for the oldest.
"Yeah. That's how we make kids? Like dick in and-"
"Yes. Yes. I know what it is, and I'm somewhat... relieved that you are aware of it too," Jin says. He doesn't know how to explain this. "You know. There are other things that are considered sexual where it's not just about the... dick going in and out."
God, what education teacher did he have?
Taehyung tilts his head slightly, wondering why he doesn't know much about it. Maybe it's because he doesn't have many friends, he never really had anyone to learn it from except for his brothers. Jin just never realized Taehyung might not be that educated on the matter.
"What I and Namjoon were doing... is called... a blowjob," he says and god this is the most embarrassing thing he has done in his life!
"What do you do?"
"You put the other's dick in your mouth." That was so blunt Jin almost gags at his own words. This is not something brothers should be discussing.
"Does it hurt?" Taehyung asks, not bothered by the subject at all.
"Depends... but no, I wouldn't say it hurts," Jin answers. He does like it when it hurts a little, but it's not all the time it's rough.
"The thing I and Kookie did... what was that?" he asks and Jin closes his eyes.
"What did he do?"
"He made semen come out. That's what it's called right?" Taehyung asks. He remembers that much from the lessons.
"I'm going to kill him. Yes, it's called semen and it's the thing that's used to get women pregnant. And sometimes, you need to get it out. And you do that through sexual action... or just... to feel good, you know?" Jin feels like he's talking to a five-year-old. In moments like these, he would really wish his parents were here.
Taehyung makes an 'o' shape with his mouth and looks into space for a second. Then suddenly the door opens and Namjoon and Jungkook walk inside.
"What do you mean he saw you?" the younger asks Namjoon who just shakes his head. Jin rests his head in his hands, giving up. Taehyung jumps from the chair and walks over to Jungkook.
"Can I give you a blowjob?"
Jungkook almost fainted.
"I can't believe I had to talk to him about that! So embarrassing..." Jin sighs and runs his hands through his hair. He and Namjoon went up to his room after dinner and the other guys disappeared into their rooms. Not before Jin lectured Jungkook about keeping his dirty hands off before Taehyung is better educated.
"Well, you did good!"
"Making him believe it's fine to just ask that out in the open? Yeah right..." Jin sits down on the bed with another sigh. He's tired of realizing that he has tried to keep Taehyung away from everything sexual, just because he had bad experiences with it.
Namjoon shrugs and sits down next to the other, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
"I really wish they were here," Jin says, referring to his parents. He has taken that role for his brothers, knowing no else should be doing it. But it's hard and it always has been. Maybe that's why Taehyung turned out this way, or maybe that's why Jimin is so afraid to admit his love.
Taehyung has always been open for talks, but Jimin often tends to put on a façade. Jin tries his best, but he's not his father or his mother. They were exceptional parents; he could never live up to that.
He accepted that long ago, but it still annoys him. What 19-year old kid doesn't know what a blowjob is!? Poor Tae.
"Yeah, but you have done your best Jin. They are still here, and I can see how much they love you. You just need to accept that all of those problems are in the past, don't let it get you down," Namjoon whispers as he leans in and places his lips against the elder's neck.
He knows he sounds overly cheesy, but he doesn't know what else to say. Jin needs to understand that he can't keep living in the past. He will never get over his insomnia and he probably won't get truly happy.
"I know. I just wish I could care for them even better..." he whispers back, closing his eyes at Namjoon's calming gesture. After a while, Namjoon grabs under the other's chin and turns his head.
"You have done more than enough, you just need to realize," he says before connecting their lips in a gentle kiss. Jin sighs into it, letting his hands rest on Namjoon's shoulders, feeling his heart turn.
Soon, he feels the sting of tears in his eyes. He wishes he could just go out in the world and tell everyone about his problems, including being with Namjoon. He's just scared no one will listen.
"How are you feeling?" Jimin asks. He's looking down at a naked Yoongi, the elder only being covered by a thin blanket. Jimin's hand is running over the other's bare chest, Yoongi's pale skin is so soft.
"Sore," Yoongi huffs and Jimin chuckles. He leans down and connects their lips, letting them work together calmly. Yoongi places a hand on the other's neck as he deepens the kiss.
They don't really know what to do except for sex, so that's what they have been doing most of the day. Both before and after dinner. Jimin pulls away and studies Yoongi as he turns a little, clearly tired.
He closes his eyes and starts dozing off, giving Jimin a lot of time to stare at his face. He sighs and moves his hand to the other's cheek. He must admit he's starting to feel things for Yoongi he isn't supposed to be feeling.
Jimin has never really believed in love, family love sure, but not this kind of love. He's just... scared of getting let down.
His thumb cares for Yoongi's skin as he observes him a little longer. He's falling and that's not good. It's obvious Yoongi only sees this as a sexual relationship, there's no way he's feeling more.
The younger sighs before kissing Yoongi's cheek and lying on the bed beside him, falling asleep to the fought of falling in love for the first time in years.

Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok are the bad boys of the school. Everyone fears to end under their claws. Rose is the new girl in class. She's sweet and pretty, waking up the inner fuckboy in Jungkook. They are all together in a gr...