Chapter 2

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Zayn P.O.V

"So, what do we do?"

"Call an ambulance." Louis replied as I nodded getting my phone and dialling 999

"Hello? Emergency Services."

"Ambulance Please"

"Where are you?"

"Birmingham Airport"

"OK-An ambulance is on it's way"

"Thank you "

After I thanked them I ended the call, I waited for the ambulance to come which took half an hour until it finally turned up.

"What do we have here?" one of the paramedics asked.

"He's had a seizure" I replied.

"How long ago was this?" The paramedic asked.

"Thirty- Five Minutes" Louis told them before adding "He was unconscious for twenty five minutes but his pulse has been quite strong."

"That's good that he's got a strong pulse." The paramedic replied.

"Right, who wants to ride with us?" The paramedic asked once they got Niall situated and on the stretcher.

"I'll go" I replied as the lads nodded.

"We'll call Paul to come pick us up" Liam smiled as I followed the paramedics.

Skip to when the lads arrive at the hospital

"Zee" Harry called as they all came and sat down where I was.

"How is he?" Andy asked

"He was fine in the ambulance," I told them.

"That's good then Zee" Louis smiled.

"I hope he'll be OK," I told him.

"I'm sure he might just suffer from seizures once in a while," Louis pointed out.

"Hello lads" Paul smiled as he came over.

"Hiya Paul," I replied.

"How is he?" Paul questioned.

"He was OK in the ambulance" I told him as he nodded.

"That's good," Pauk smiled.

"Niall Horan" The doctor called as we all stood up.

"Can we go to my office please?" the doctor asked.

"Why can't you tell us out here?" I asked.

" Asw what I'm going to tell you needs to be discussed even further." The doctor explained, as we nodded before following him to his office, and taking a seat in the office.

"So, what's wrong with Niall?" Louis asked.

"I've already told Niall and he's asked me to tell you lads. We took some bloods, did a lumber puncture and a chest x-ray and I;m sorry to say this but Niall has cancer" The doctor told us.

Everything felt like it had just been paused.

"What....type?" Andy asked.

"Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" the doctor replied.

"Can we see Niall please?" I asked as the others looked at me.

"Of course, if you'd like to" the doctor replied before standing up ansn leading us out of the room and to Niall.

"Hello again Niall- I've brought your friend's to see you" The doctor smiled before adding

"I'll come back later to see you " and with that he left.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I went and sat on the bed.

"Why me?!" Niall cried as we all hugged him.

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