Adorable Cockblock

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It was a dreamless sleep, you found yourself to be having a lot of those recently, probably because you knew you wouldn't be sleeping for very long.

Like this morning, your baby girl had successfully slept through the night. At 10 months, it was unexpected, but with half of Harry's DNA she was sure to be a sleepy baby the majority of the time.

The cries started off gentle, it woke you up first, the crackling whines coming through the baby monitor on your bedside table. You groaned loudly, stretching your arms and legs out as the cries got louder.

5:36am. Of course, a full nights sleep would come with a price. As you lifted the duvet from your legs, a warm hand was placed gently on your shoulder to pull you back down to the matress. "Go back to sleep lovie, I'll get her." He whispered, the roughness of his voice in the morning soothing you as he placed a wet kiss to your cheek.

Harry was the best dad to your 10 month old that you could ever ask for. Usually you were the one to get up in the mornings to check on the baby, insisting Harry needed his sleep more. But it was getting to you recently, the bags under your eyes getting darker and your lack if energy was more noticeable to Harry.

You snuggled back into bed and listened closely to the monitor beside you to hear what was happening.

You heard the door of the nursery open and the cries become softer as Harry walked towards her slowly. "Hey, bubs," he whispered, lifting her from her cot.

"What's got you all flustered huh?" He asked as she nuzzled her hot head into his neck. Harry felt the cold sweat down her back sticking to her white baby grow. "Oh baby, did you have a bad dream? It's okay, shh." He cooed into her ear, bouncing up and down on the spot whilst rubbing her back.

"Wanna come sleep in our bed?" He asked softly, placing a kiss on her head. "Come on then." You turn off the baby monitor and lay back down, listening to his footsteps coming back up the corridor and to your bedroom.

You lift your head from the pillow to see the silhouette of Harry standing in the hallway with your sleepy baby girl balanced on his hip.

"She had a nightmare," he said, rubbing her back "didn't you bubs?" You smiled, your heart fluttering at the sight of them both standing there bleary eyed and hair ruffled.

"Give her here then." You grinned, holding your arms out. She squealed excitedly, leaning forward in Harry's arms trying to reach you. Harry chuckled, handing her over after placing kiss to the top of her head.

"Oh bubs, poor baby." You coo, placing her beside you in the bed as Harry lay back down on the other side of her. "You're safe in here, promise." You whisper, kissing her cheek. "Nope, no monsters here.." Harry adds, "other than me of course." He growls, and leaps over to blow raspberries onto her stomach.

You laughed loudly as she squealed, thrashing her arms and legs as she giggled. Harry laughed, laying flat on his back. "She slept through the whole night you know." You grin at him. Harry smirked, "Yeah would be great if she wouldn't wake up at stupid o'clock in the morning though."

"Oi, it's a start!" You giggle, reaching over to hit him in the arm. Bubs clearly found this entertaining, as she followed suit and began slapping his arm over and over again. "Hey! Quit it would ya!" He groaned, lifting her high up in the air above him as she squealed.

"Fuckin devil, teaching her bad habits you are." He smirked at you. "Harry stop swearing in front of her, she's starting to talk, she'll pick it up!" You complain, trying to stop the smile threatening to spread across your face.

"Good. Hope her first word is fuck." He quipped. Your jaw drops as you burst out into laughter. "Stop it! Don't you want it to be like mummy or daddy or something cute?" You ask.

"Swear to god if she says your name before mine, I'll be filing for divorce." He replied, the baby now sitting on his chest, pulling on his hair. "Gods sake Harry, I'm trying to raise the model child here." You deflected.

"Don't want a model child. Want our child." He breathed. You smile, leaning in closer, to start peppering kisses onto his cheek and neck. "Babe you better stop, can't be getting carried away with this cockblock still here." He spoke through gritted teeth.

You let out a loud laugh, leaning away again, "Gods sake Harry" you whine, wiping the corners of your eyes. "Only joking, I brought this on myself by bringing her in here."

"Do you want me to bring her back to bed?" You ask, running your hand over his arm. "Nah, I like it like this. I've got my two favourite girls with me and I couldn't be happier."

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