A Sleepy Christmas

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"It's Christmass.." Harry murmered into your ear, rubbing his nose into the crook of your neck. You giggled at the feeling and nudged him away from you. "Oi, gimmie m'cuddles." He whined, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. "How long d'ya reckon we'll get in bed before the kids come in?" You ask, running your fingers over his cheekbone, admiring the way he looked early in the morning. "Surprised they haven't come bursting in already." He replied, chuckling lightly. You look over his shoulder, glancing at the alarm clock, "Wow..six am? This must be some sort of record." You remark, comparing it to last year, when Noah woke you both up at four in the morning.

"Mhm, maybe we should take advantage of it.." he whispered, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and dragging it slowly down his toned stomach. "Mmm Harry, they could wake up any minute." You whine, but still making no move to stop his actions. "Or maybe they won't." He replies, letting out a deep growl as you wrap your fingers around him, noticing how hard he was already. "Baby.." he groaned as you quicken your pace up and down his length, swiping your thumb across his tip, collecting any precum that had gathered in the past 5 minutes. He would often wake up hard, but not so often would he let you deal with it, claiming it "wasn't your job to do that first thing in the morning" and then wandered off to the bathroom, ignoring all your pleads to come back. Just as Harry began twitching in your hand, signalling the near of his release you were interuppted.

"It's Christmas!!" A screeching voice suddenly came running into your bedroom. You immediately jumped away from Harry and he tucked himself back into his underwear, groaning in disappointment.

"Good Morning, lovies!" You sit up, holding your arms out for your kids to jump up onto the bed with you. Your four year old son had just learned how to help his 2 year old sister out of her crib, so now every morning he came running into your bedroom, holding hands with Ella, to keep her up straight. Noah was mostly dragging her into your room, she walked slowly beside him, rubbing at her eyes. You lift your daughter up from the side of the bed and lay her on your chest as she snuggled into you, still sleepy from being awoken so early by Noah.

"Hey bug, did ya see the snow outside?" Harry asked Noah as he started jumping up and down on the end of the bed, "Mhm! Can we see presents now?" He asked pulling at Harry's leg. You both laugh at how excited he was, "Okay bug, let's go downstairs." He chuckled and swung his legs over the side of the bed. You were going to get up and follow your screaming toddler down the stairs, but you were stopped by the sound of little snores coming from the sleeping baby on your chest. "Aw angel, you're not used to being woken up so early are you?" You coo at her, rubbing your hand over her back, and scratching her head lightly with your nails.

"Here, I'll take her back to bed." Harry smiled, lifting Ella up from on top of you, as she curled into him. "Okay, c'mon little one-" Harry started mumbling sweet nothings to her as he walked slowly down the hall towards her room. Every interaction Harry had with your kids, truly warmed your heart. He had always been good with children, this was proven every time he spent time with his god-children, or any of your nieces or nephews. They seemed to just be gravitated towards him, and wanted to be near him constantly, which is why you knew immediately that he was the one for you.

"Mumma!" Noah shouted from down the stairs, clearly getting impatient waiting for the two of you to come downstairs so he could open his presents. "M'coming now bubba!" You call back, stretching yourself out of bed. On your way down the stairs, Harry comes up behind you, after leaving your daughter in her crib. "Don't think we should open any while she's still sleeping." Harry spoke quietly, taking your hand in his as you walked downstairs. "Me neither, don't think Noah will take that news very lightly though.."

He didn't. You began to make breakfast for everyone as you listened to the argument going on between your son and husband behind you. "Not my fault that she's tired! I'm suffering cos she can't stay awake!" He whined, stomping his foot on the ground. "Oi, Noah watch it. You'll get to open them when Ella wakes up, and that's the end of it." Harry replied firmly, turning back around to start chopping up some of the fruit you had laid out. Noah grunted loudly, and began stomping off, he'd clearly inherited the dramatics from Harry. "And that doesn't mean you can walk past her room loudly to wake her up either!" Harry shouted after him, making you laugh under your breath.

Eventually Ella woke up, mainly due to the fact that Noah conveniently decided to start playing his toy piano really loudly with his bedroom door open, you both let it slide though. You were all sat around the dining table now, Noah finished his cereal long before everyone else and now figited about on his chair. You sat drinking a cup of coffee while reading a book and making conversation with Harry, who had Ella on his lap, and bounced her up and down while feeding her banana from a small plate on the table.

"Reckon we should give mum a call?" Harry asked, as he placed another banana slice into Ella's slobbery mouth. "It's still only nine, don't want to wake her if she's still asleep." You reply, Harry nodding in agreement. Noah was now glaring at the two of you, as if you were purposely prolonging your breakfast so he would have to wait longer (you were). "What's with the look?" You ask, poking his cheek not being able to take him seriously with the ridiculously cute pout on his face. He just swatted your hand away and slammed his head on the table in defeat.

When you stood up to collect all the dirty dishes, and Harry pulled Ella up onto his hip to go to the living room, Noah was still sat with his head on the table. "Is he alright?" Harry asked you, pointing at him, this was the longest you'd probably ever seen him sit still. You shrugged, "Dunno he's a bit strange, your son after all." You tease, putting the dishes into the sink. Harry laughed lightly and walked over to Noah and poked his shoulder "Alright, we're opening the presents now." He spoke loudly. No response. "Holy shit..babe he's asleep!" He spoke in disbelief. "No way! Ha, that'll teach him for interrupting us this morning." You respond. Harry shook his head, "Still fuckin pissed about that."

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