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No Ones POV


Celeste and Constance shove through the crowd, trying to get closer to the stage.

They look up at the same time, straight into the eyes of their mother. She gives a quick and small smile and then looks away. Celeste looks over to her father while Constance looks at her brother.

Celeste feels tears in her eyes as her father shakes his head and looks away. Constance feels a grin tug at her lips when her brother winks down at her.

The girls eyes scan the other people on the stage. Some are neighbours, friends, relatives, teachers. Some they don't even know.

All lined up to die, just because they hold the power to defeat their barbaric leaders.

All the people up there are gifters, people graced with a certain power or two, people gifted with a certain power or two. which is why they are called gifters.

Suddenly the worlds vice leader steps onto the stage and behind the podium.

"hello" he booms into the microphone "hello and welcome to another one of our eradications of evil"

Johnston, whom is celeste's and contance's father yells at the man "the only evil is your and the rest of our 'leaders'"

Celeste can't help but nod in agreement, her sister pinches her arm and glares at her.

"as you all know there were aliens out there, they called themselves people, they called themselves gifters, saying that their powers were to help and to save you" Ubel (the vice leader) continues "but those were lies, they are the evil and we needed to eradicate them before they corrupted you, and so we have"

He looks at everyone lined up behind him and then the audience.

"These here are the last of their kind" He sneers "after we have killed them today we will be free of there evil, free of their influence and free to live our lives how we are meant to"

With a gesture of his hand 23 men walk onto the stage, dressed in gold, meaning it was a celebration.

They all line up behind one of the gifters or accused gifters and force them into a kneel with their heads bent.

With a second gesture of his hand one blade falls, and the head of Johnston rolls.

A scream erupts from celeste's mouth.

"you called them liars" she yells through her sobs "but they aren't, the only liar here is you"

"and how" Ubel asks "is that"

"they aren't the evil, you are. They have powers that they were using to save us. They aren't aliens, they are gifters. And... you said they were the last of their kind, well guess again you bastard because I am one too" Celeste yells at him, filled with grief and rage.

She conjures a gust of air and aims it at him, it knocks him right of his feet.

Constance comes forward to her sisters side, who hadn't even realised that she had waked closer.

Constance grabs her hand and squeezes it before using her super speed and running in between her mother and brother.

The men with the axes come running forward swinging their axes and she freaks out, her only power is her speed and she can't leave her family.

Once the mean reach her their axes swing right off and his them instead.

Surrounding Constance and her family is a forcefeild.

"is that you?" she asks both of them but they shake their heads. Constance focuses all her energy on keeping it up, she looks out of the corner of her eye to see her sister surrounded.

As if sensing her inner turmoil her mother nods her head in the dorection of Celeste.

Constance drops the forcefeild and uses her speed to get to her sister and help her.

Constance glances up at the stage and see her dead mother. Her brother is fighting.

'go' hes mouthing 'get out of here'

Constance and celeste link hands and remember everything their parents ever taught them.

Blinking their eyes thay find themselves back home.


Celeste breaks down crying into her sisters arms.

"they're dead" she sobs "gone"

"i know Essi" Constance whispers "i know"


"mum" Constance says to the stars "dad"

"can you hear me, if so i need help" she whispers "it's Essi, shes only eight, she had to see you guys die at nine and i know that i am only twelve but she so young at heart and so naive, i've always seemed older but right now i don't feel old enough to look out for her"

"please help me, send me some help, please"


that night, while the girl were sleeping someone appeared, a master of the gifts, he took them into his home, his school and he raised and taught them right.

So that some day they'd be ready, someday they'd be ready to take on the evil of the world and sva everyone.

After all they were humaity's last hope...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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